Imagine how difficult it is to try to tell people that you are, globally, the pre-eminent batman researcher...
The headline is technically grammatically correct but ambiguous. "...shot and killed unarmed black man" would have been better. If you absolutely need to stick to word/character count, "shot unarmed black man dead" would be less ambiguous and more in keeping with how people actually use "shot dead". I've watched a lot of westerns and I can think of quite a few where someone says "I shot him dead" but not one where someone says "I shot dead him".
Vegans, PSL girls, IPA guys, furries, and anime nerds seem to be the most popular targets for boring, basic memes.
might easily be spotted
As easily as you've spotted the point?
Oooh the agony
Oh the shame
To make his privates public for a game
He didn't get convicted of rape and being unlikeable. He was convicted of rape. The penalty being assessed is the penalty for rape. Whatever else he may have done, good or bad, he did the rape. He should pay the penalty for the rape that he did. If he collects money for disabled children on Sundays, he shouldn't be punished less, he should pay the penalty for rape. If he's a jerk who gets drunk on weeknights and starts his political opinions with "I'm not racist, but..." he shouldn't be penalized additionally for that. He should be penalized for rape. This thing where we make room for "He's a rapist, but..." is fucking garbage. It reeks of Brock Turner's dad trying to reduce the lifetime of harm his son inflicted on a woman to "10 minutes of action". If a rapist who operates a puppy rescue is less of a rapist than a rapist who does other things we all agree to be unpleasant then it's not about the harm inflicted, it's about how much we all generally like the rapist.
Below this comment is Harvard medical school contradicting you and saying that citric acid is effective in preventing kidney stones. Do you stand by your uneducated guess?
Then define the balance. How many seconds of efficiency is worth sacrificing 1 gram of edible potato?
They won't leave people to die! That would be terrible! They'll just shoot the criminals, the victims, a few bystanders and any dogs they happen to see on the way.
"do not respond to emergency calls" list
Bro everyone everywhere is on that list. Cops don't do anything unless they're forced to or they get to RP Bad Boys
Ok but it could be a raspberry pi chilling in someone's house using utilities they already pay for anyway.
Did they run out of monkeys?