[-] siipale@sopuli.xyz 7 points 7 months ago

Someone commented on my post about Devil World that what I experienced was Tetris effect. When I was scrolling vertically on my phone I would occasionally experience sideways scrolling similar to the game mechanic even though there certainly wasn't any sideways scrolling happening.

Another one was when I was playing Portal. Traveling via portals became my usual method to move around in every dream I had those days.

[-] siipale@sopuli.xyz 8 points 9 months ago

We didn't really have arcade in our town but there were some coin-operated games around. I think it wasn't very long period of time they had Polybius but I remember playing it occasionally during that time. I was quite young so I didn't fully understand the gameplay and can't really recall any elements of it anymore. Only thing I do remember is I used to have vivid dreams about it when I hadn't played it for a while. That sort of made me interested to play it again every once in a while. Though I must have been terrible at that game so I don't know why I even tried it that many times.

I didn't really thought about it when they had changed the machine to different one. I would rather play the Street Fighter II or whatever they had put there instead because it was much easier game to understand. There have been occasional dreams I've had much later in my life about this game but other than that I don't really think about it. Sometimes after having that kind of vivid dream I do think for a while that it would be nice to give it a try again but I don't know if they have the game anywhere or if it's possible to emulate via MAME.

[-] siipale@sopuli.xyz 5 points 9 months ago

What difference does the federation make in this case? Either way the personal data is in someone else's computer.

[-] siipale@sopuli.xyz 5 points 11 months ago

2010s era memes

Maybe because we millenials like to reminisce the memes of the time when memes were good.

[-] siipale@sopuli.xyz 7 points 1 year ago

Half man, half bear and half pig obviously.

[-] siipale@sopuli.xyz 5 points 1 year ago

Any idea is there anything similar available on LG webOS?

[-] siipale@sopuli.xyz 5 points 1 year ago

Eipä tuo haitanne kun unirytmi ei ole muutenkaan niin tarkka. Joitakin ihmisiähän tuo haittaa taas kovastikin. Niiden unirytmi on varmaankin atomikelloon synkronoitu.

[-] siipale@sopuli.xyz 8 points 1 year ago

I also use the same bottles over a period of time but I don't think about it like I'm drinking leftovers most of the time. You might think I do but I just consider them pre-opened bottles or not even that. They're just bottles, in very similar state to when they were opened. I'm not thinking about it like oh, this is the leftover from when I bought and opened this bottle.

[-] siipale@sopuli.xyz 6 points 1 year ago

and also that being based on Debian LMDE is 100% community based.

At first I read it as "completely based" and wondered whether LMDE is also red pilled.

[-] siipale@sopuli.xyz 5 points 1 year ago

It does look like it's fully loaded as far as I can tell as it shows up for about a tenth of a second before it disappears. And even if it didn't load it would be good idea to show something instead of nothing.

[-] siipale@sopuli.xyz 7 points 1 year ago

Yksittäinen NEIPA ylsi jopa neljännelle sijalle. En kyllä ymmärrä lagerin suosiota. Itselle maistuu enimmäkseen IPA. Toki lager on tietyssä mielessä kevyempi kesäolut, mutta kyllä joku vahvasti humaloitu ei niin raskaan maltainen IPA maittaa kesälläkin oikein hyvin. Lagerin suosiota edesauttaa luultavasti myös se, että suosion myötä se on halpaa ja halvat asiat ovat suosittuja.


I mean the thing that shows up to right side of the screen when scrolling. That would be nice to have in comments view to give visual information on how many comments left / total.

It might be useful in debugging too as you can see where it jumps when it glitches --> extra info for bug reports. Seems like kuro already fixed one comment section bug (long threads glitched) but still occasionally feels bit glitchy.

[-] siipale@sopuli.xyz 5 points 1 year ago

Esirenderöity vaikuttaa anglismilta ja mörppi taas on väännetty englanninkielisestä lyhenteestä, mutta muutoin hyvä lista suomennoksia. Kuten Skelectus mainitsi, anglismit ovat aika tavanomaisia kun suomalaiset puhuvat videopeleistä. Siksipä olisi mielenkiintoisempaa nähdä loppuun asti suomennettuja sanoja.

submitted 1 year ago by siipale@sopuli.xyz to c/suomi@sopuli.xyz

Oletettavasti suomisopulit harrastavat pelaamista joten päätinpä kysyä tällaista: Suurin osa videopelisanastosta on englanniksi, mutta onko suomalaisten käyttöön päätynyt käännöksiä tai alun alkaenkin suomenkielisiä videopeleihin liittyviä sanoja? Minulla tulee näin äkkiseltään mieleen vain seuraavat.

  • kenttä (level/stage)
  • energia (health/hit points)
  • loppuvastus (boss)

I suppose it just wouldn't look right. They have their old man toffees like Werther's.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by siipale@sopuli.xyz to c/lemmyconnect@lemmy.ca

Often I tend to scroll too slowly and it registers as a long press so some random comment gets hidden and I have to unhide it. Can you add an option to disable long press actions? Or it could be improved so it doesn't register if it's not a stationary press but I'm not sure whether it would work or if other people already like the way long press works.

Edit: Apparently it already registers only stationary press so maybe either an on/off switch or long press time adjustment would be good to have.

Kuvatesti (sopuli.xyz)



There seems to be many lemmy apps available. I already tried few apps though I don't even know where to find most of the others. Instead of trying every single one of them I'd like to know if there's anything similar to RIF. Here's some key features of RIF:

  • Simple. Mostly text and no complicated UI elements.
  • Information density. I can see a list of eight posts on my screen. Again, it's just text with no UI decorations.
  • One handed browsing. As I hold my phone with right hand I can easily access both linked url and comments of a post with my right thumb (buttons on right side of the screen).
  • Comment navigation. This is not as important but in larger threads it's useful to navigate between parent comments.

If there's nothing similar available, maybe these could be added to an existing implementation. I could even try to help as I am programmer, though I don't know much about mobile app development.

submitted 2 years ago by siipale@sopuli.xyz to c/suomi@sopuli.xyz

Aina kun Youtubessa tulee vastaan jotain tällaista, niin intoudun etsimään lisää videoita veljeskansaamme liittyen. Hyvin jännää, etten sanoisi.

Test post (kahvipiiri.fi)
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by siipale@sopuli.xyz to c/test_community@sopuli.xyz

Body text here.

EDIT: tried to post an image but it gave an error message. At least linking url to an image works.

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