[-] somenonewho@feddit.org 2 points 3 days ago

It only exists in Germany because this is how Hitler came to power,

That's correct but in my opinion that's a great argument to push for a ban. As you say that's how Hitler came to power with the NSDAP, so it would only be correct to use this law to try and prevent history from repeating itself. If we find out in the court that the law currently doesn't apply it will be a win for the AfD of course but I believe and hope that it won't be and that they will be banned. But if we don't try and enact the law now how long do we wait? Till they are in government? Till they enacted emergency laws ...

Also, again, I do not believe this a definite solution to the "problem" of AfD and right wing movements in Germany. I do however believe it will be a big blow to the Right and might give us some room to move into with progressive ideas.

[-] somenonewho@feddit.org 8 points 3 days ago

Yes you can only ban them if they threaten the democratic order. Or to be more precise:

Eine Partei kann nur dann verboten werden, wenn sie nicht nur eine verfassungsfeindliche Haltung vertritt, sondern diese Haltung auch in aktiv-kämpferischer, aggressiver Weise umsetzen will.

Which (if you don't know German) basically means

A party can only be banned if it advocates an unconstitutional position and also plans to use militant and aggressive means to reach their goals

  • rough translation I might try to find a source for a better one later

Now I believe that the AfD does fit those criteria (unconstitutional position for sure, but them working together with militant neo-nazis etc. should fill the second criterium as well). But that's just my opinion and in this situation it does not count as much. The process here is that the court will decide wether or not the AfD fits these criteria and based on that they will be banned or not banned.
This is the important distinction to what you've outlined. It's not "banning political opponents" it's banning opponents of the constitution. I'm also not saying everyone with opposing views should be jailed I'm saying a party that opposes the constitution should be banned according to the constitution.

[-] somenonewho@feddit.org 4 points 3 days ago

Got the Framework 13 Ryzen 5 7640U when it was initially released (Batch 5 I think). Brought my own SSD (500gb I still had kicking around) and RAM (32GB). Only ever ran Linux (Arch) on it. Had a lot of issues at the beginning with suspend pulling lots of power and then (after some tweaking) suspend not being usable because at every wake the Filesystem was read-only. Also the boot option (efistub) would vanish if I hit Ctrl+Alt+Delete during boot (meaning I would have to boot from a live USB every time to fix it. After a while of this (and some troubleshooting) I switched the SSD (with another 1TB leftover from some other project but rather new) and the boot option issue stopped. After undoing my tweak for suspend, suspending now works and at least seems to be pulling less power. So had a bit of hassle at the beginning, now it's just a great Linux laptop.

[-] somenonewho@feddit.org 1 points 4 days ago

The last time they tried to ban a party in Germany was the NPD (another Nazi party) and at the end the Supreme Court decided the reason not to ban them, even though they were clearly unconstitutional , was because they were to few/insignificant (in the end they banned them from receiving party funding which still has a massive effect).

So you couldnt ban them because they were to small and you can't ban the AfD because they're to big? Just because enough people vote for a party doesn't mean they're not unconstitutional.

[-] somenonewho@feddit.org 8 points 4 days ago

The last time they tried to ban a party in Germany was the NPD (another Nazi party) and at the end the Supreme Court decided the reason not to ban them, even though they were clearly unconstitutional , was because they were to few/insignificant (in the end they banned them from receiving party funding which still has a massive effect).

So you couldnt ban them because they were to small and you can't ban the AfD because they're to big? Just because enough people vote for a party doesn't mean they're not unconstitutional.

[-] somenonewho@feddit.org 2 points 4 days ago

Like I stated in another comment banning them won't be a solution but it will harm them and the fascist movement (just cutting their funding will do a lot).

But yes there's a bigger problem with the growing right-wing tendencies in the society that needs more than this to be addressed

[-] somenonewho@feddit.org 34 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Most of your points were already correctly dismantled. But I'd just like to ad to

In a democracy where some 30% vote nazi, banning them won't solve anything. Anything.

Is a sentiment I often feel too. I believe that we have to do so much more to fight against Fascists than just Vote and "use the democratic system correctly". (I.e. fight fascism in the streets, offer actual political solutions to peoples problems...). But to say this won't do anything is a huge understatement.

Banning the AfD will:

  1. Disband the party leaving them in shambles to reorganize
  2. Stop the money flow which is going to the AfD (and in turn to other right wing groups
  3. Finally delegitimize the AfD and their main actors in a Democratic setting

A ban would be an amazing feat but it would just be a little breather in the fight against fascism.

[-] somenonewho@feddit.org 2 points 6 days ago

Vermutlich hast du Recht aber der Pessimist in mir wurde einwenden das ja auch einige Kameraden in den (Un)Sicherheitsbehörden sitzen die dann im Falle vielleicht nicht mehr der Regierung gehorchen (Leute wie Franco Albrecht beim KSK etc.)

[-] somenonewho@feddit.org 8 points 6 days ago

Ich hatte auch schon öfter den Gedanken was ist wenn die AfD eine dieser "Kränkungen" erfährt (Verbot, nicht Teil der Koalition Torte stärkste Kraft ...) und die Wählerschaft beschließt "Das ist jetzt der Tag X lass uns die Todeslisten und Leichensäcke rausholen". Aber das ist nur um so mehr ein Argument die Partei so schnell es geht und auf allen Ebenen aufzuhalten und bestenfalls zu zerschlagen.

[-] somenonewho@feddit.org 25 points 1 month ago

The kernel was almost named freax

Did you know that kernel releases have codenames?

My favourite being 4.0: "Hurr durr I'ma sheep" because I remember taking part in that poll.

[-] somenonewho@feddit.org 27 points 2 months ago

Less to the point of the article and more to it's wording:

Why the fuck do they call it "race riots" as far as I can tell there are a bunch of rioting fascists and then a broad group of people (refugees, local citizens and Antifa) trying to defend places or stop the riots. This is not a black vs white fight this fight is between fascism and anti-fascism (or at least democracy)

[-] somenonewho@feddit.org 45 points 2 months ago

"Oh pics_free exists let's quickly ban that community before we loose revenue ... I mean because they violated the rules"

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