Nevertheless we are better than them.
Spanish has gendered nouns, they can either be masculine or feminine, but there are some adjectives that are kind of neuter. Do you want to stay on the subject or just ramble about whatever, because I never mentioned whatever you're bringing up.
I didn't know Ukraine was a neighbour of the US, or maybe you are talking metaphorically in the sense of "our white supremacists pals/neighbours".
It almost seems as if there's some kind of islamophobia here... Mmm, no, I'm sure US good and SA bad.
How many war crimes has the US committed versus SA? I don't think SA even gets to the US toes, it's just that genocide, political overthrowns, invasions, and what not are normalised and are okay when the US does it, but when another non-Western country does it is showed with 10 times the strength.
US is not very far away from being so religiously fanatic, they have almost zero women's and LGBT people's rights, there's rampant racism and xenophobia, I don't know what news or history books you read but the US is absolutely on no moral ground to tell SA they are somewhat better.
They are the country with the most military and paramilitary personnel in the world at 7,769,000 so worst case scenario they can help prolong a war at a pace that would be hard to maintain for any Western power, and the ones who are next in the list, except South Korea, aren't friends with the West, too.
State and Revolution, Caliban and the Witch, Dialectics of Nature, Red Book by mao, deng collected works
Are you using or Maybe it's being blocked in certain places.
Maybe something like PoliticalHumor or something like that would be better.
While I agree it sound like something reasonable from the point of view of the imperialists, it's not like if they also didn't lose anything. Maybe they didn't lose men, but sure did a hell of equipment. Plus Russia didn't lose gear that will never come back, they increased production, too, since they now actively need it.
There were quite a few difference between the two matches, so you could see both. For me it was a beautiful day, England lost and Argentina won.