Big picture here, I'm not sure how much point there is to putting heavier bollards in.
I don't believe that we're going to seal off every area that a car can reach or someone can plant explosives at and that has a bunch of people in it in the US.
It's also not clear to me that there is a rash of people intent on a repeat job, trying to physically attack vice in New Orleans. Sounds like the perpetrator had a lot of problems and kinda was lashing out at the world solo.
If we do get more incidents, then we've got more data points, okay, maybe do something then.
There are a lot of ways to kill a bunch of people at once if you're set on it and willing to be creative. You can maybe hit some of the most-egregious ones, but you won't get all of them.
If you're concerned about collateral damage, the Hellfires in the package are probably desirable, as they are accurate and have a fairly small warhead.