[-] tearsintherain@leminal.space 30 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Yeah, it's a marketing thing, with some tax loophole type stuff. Charters were pushed by people looking to privatize and destroy public education. Mostly conservatives and neoliberals.

[-] tearsintherain@leminal.space 31 points 6 months ago

This is truth. Destruction of public education by conservatives, neoliberals and privateers fits nicely with destruction of workers and unions. It's control of your population, which is funneled through a view of them as simply future workers for the owner class. I dont know why u would want to be a teacher in a country that just doesn't give a shit. UK is facing similar.

And if u think majority of those not-for-profit charter aren't founded by people in it for the money, ive got a bridge and can give u a good price... https://www.forbes.com/sites/petergreene/2021/03/19/report-how-a-non-profit-charter-school-can-be-run-for-profit/

Its like many wealthy people who seek and do get rich off tax payer money, like elon did with tesla.

[-] tearsintherain@leminal.space 36 points 7 months ago

FF (fuck 'em) whoring themselves for Amazon execs isn't the main story here. It's the disgusting exploitation of labor for profits. Organized destruction of unions and workers rights had made this tale an everyday, everywhere occurrence. Long ago there was a time when the news would report about main street and wall street as being more intertwined. Today their well being is in opposite directions. From symbiotic to parasitic.

It seems to prefer coercion as a method to keep people producing rather than inspiring them and earning their best.

Ambush style layoffs remove the feeling of safety, making people desperate to prove they shouldn’t be next. With this approach, Amazon embraces a timelessly blood-curdling rationale: nothing concentrates the mind like a credible threat.

Annual attrition targets for a fixed percentage of people every year create a survival mentality. No one wants to be the slowest gazelle when the lion comes around again, so everyone runs faster. Classic coercion.

[-] tearsintherain@leminal.space 29 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Is this the United States of Israel? It's amazing how far and wide you can get blacklisted for wanting to draw attention to a human catastrophe unfolding before the world's eyes.

I read an actress named Melissa Barrera was fired from the Scream 7 movie for her posts on the conflict.

As long as you never show support or sympathy to the P-word, you won't get called out or fired or blacklisted.

[-] tearsintherain@leminal.space 34 points 8 months ago

This is very on-brand.

[-] tearsintherain@leminal.space 34 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

...after Israeli and US officials have warned of consequences against the ICC...

Don't you do it! Don't you do the right thing and call out the war crimes on display globally!!!

Future textbooks: File under failures of liberal democracies which hastened their decline. Lack of moral compass.

[-] tearsintherain@leminal.space 34 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Meanwhile NJ might divest from a Japanese company for having cut ties with an Israeli defense contractor over the war on Gaza. We're in bizarro world folks. I pledge allegiance to the United States of Israel, else be labeled anti-semitic? Not to mention Palestinians are semitic.

[-] tearsintherain@leminal.space 37 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Mammal-to-mammal transmission raises new concerns about the virus's ability to spread.

On March 16, cows on a Texas dairy farm began showing symptoms of a mysterious illness now known to be H5N1 bird flu. Their symptoms were nondescript, but their milk production dramatically dropped and turned thick and creamy yellow. The next day, cats on the farm that had consumed some of the raw milk from the sick cows also became ill. While the cows would go on to largely recover, the cats weren't so lucky. They developed depressed mental states, stiff body movements, loss of coordination, circling, copious discharge from their eyes and noses, and blindness. By March 20, over half of the farm's 24 or so cats died from the flu. ...

The early outbreak data from the Texas farm suggests the virus is getting better and better at jumping to mammals, and data from elsewhere shows the virus is spreading widely in its newest host. On March 25, the US Department of Agriculture confirmed the presence of H5N1 in a dairy herd in Texas, marking the first time H5N1 had ever been known to cross over to cows. Since then, the USDA has tallied infections in at least 34 herds in nine states: Texas, Kansas, Michigan, New Mexico, Idaho, Ohio, South Dakota, North Carolina, and Colorado.

[-] tearsintherain@leminal.space 36 points 8 months ago

Spartz is a wealthy Republican landowner.

[-] tearsintherain@leminal.space 35 points 8 months ago

Tax dollars spent on fascist, racist policies. But a corrupt person like Ken Paxton is the AG.

[-] tearsintherain@leminal.space 31 points 8 months ago

Productivity has gone up, wages have been stagnant, but retirement age gets pushed upwards, never downwards.

[-] tearsintherain@leminal.space 28 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

India has been taken over by backwards-ass right wing religious fundamentalists.

India "became the world leader in internet blackouts", straight up government control. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/sep/25/a-tool-of-political-control-how-india-became-the-world-leader-in-internet-blackouts?

Horrific violence covered up in Manipur on the minority christian community. The country is sliding into some barbaric behavior. https://www.wired.com/story/internet-shutdown-manipur-burning-in-the-dark/

Since May 4, the Indian government has shut off the internet in Manipur, giving cover to murders, rapes, and arson.

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