Thank God it's not EU
I'm no federated-nazi and I welcome projects like Cara, but at the beginning there are always lots of subscriptions
Living in a city based on tourism, I think I can understand the inhabitants of the Canaries but I fear the only possible outcome will be to elevate the offer, skyrocket the prices and become an elitarian destination
Hey thanks. That is IMPRESSIVE and deserves a post of its own, please do it
I'll call it smart when it will iron my shirts!
Did they open AwfulTasteButWorseExecution or is it just from Awful Everything?? That's ugly AF!
However, regular guys from Florida succeeded in being waaaay worse than the memed Florida Man, good job guys
How can you follow a hundred sources talking about different arguments you wanna check at different times and different time intervals?
$ 1699.
No. /thread
We finally found out what they think WSJ stands for: "Work Sick Jabroni"
I'm more towards "Wake-up Silly Jackass"
You said "western hypocracy" while I blame ignorance about history as a bigger matter here
Fiat > Tesla