Make America clean again!
From the main protagonist from Linux sucks, because I downvoted it and everything in that community and that idiot’s post history. Lol
‘bei nasser’
Bizarrely, for a very self positioned premium beer company, they made a very cool sharing of their recipes for home brewers, DIY DOG
I get this reference.
You don’t need an apple account to use a Mac. If you just want to enter a username and set a password, that’s all you need to do. If you want everything synced between another Mac or iPhone and so on, sign into iCloud. But you don’t HAVE to, just skip it.
You’re ugly and your mother dresses you funny
And when it’s loaded: ‘> You are standing at a crossroads, there are ways to the North, East, West and South. There is a Dwarf. The Dwarf throws an axe at you, the axe misses ‘>_
“Uphill in both directions into a headwind”, if they look really knackered.
Still using an iPhone X and the only things in your list that interest me are faster charging and LiDAR. But nothing to do with portraits; I want it for 3D scanning objects for CAD models for 3D printing. But I’d use it maybe a few times a year.
What’s that?
Everyone needs a hobby, but definitely not a hill.