Jo Guest
Everyone needs a hobby, but definitely not a hill.
Skoda used to not be owned by VW, and back then they were bad like Lada.
You’re entitled, usually required, to add your personal lock onto this when you start working on a locked out job, that way you can be confident they’ll come looking for the last guy to lock off the job before they can get running again, it may save your fingers/arm/life or job. Usually there’s a permit involved and you should know the conditions of the permit, or have your own permit to join a job.
I found that all my keyboards didn’t have functional modifier keys while gaming, in wayland. Switched back to default cinnamon, and it all works fine again. Linuxmint
It’s a reference to “last tango in paris”?
I play WoW like that. Just follow the storyline in quests for whatever character/race I feel like running as an alt. I might come across other people as I play, but I don’t play with anyone.
Party-disappearance-feelings? Or “Feeling of party fading” Man the Germans have a word for everything! But seriously any real words compounded together that make anything near to sense, is a word in German.
I’ve always had the core family bargains around the house; Cluedo, Monopoly, chess, backgammon, as well as slightly older pub games like shove ha’penny, shut the box, devil among the tailors (pub tabletop skittles). But with the young family a couple of years ago we started looking for new things, found Carcassonne & settlers of catan. Pride of the newest games I have is split between ‘The King is Dead’ and a full size Carrom table. And I built my own Mah Jong table to house an automatic mechanism that shuffles the tiles and racks them for you. (We’ve had a traditional set for years and always played a UK version of Hong Kong rules across a couple of generations.) Yeah I clicked with board games as a kid and have always looked forward to a chance to play them with family and friends.
‘I can not touch meat until it’s cooked, as a youth I used to weep outside butcher’s shops’
But are you old enough to remember Tom Cruise discussing them in the film Cocktail? (in the cinema on the original release‽ )
Novell tried to do that with SuSE Linux in the early 2000’s and I’ve never forgiven them. Edit, AND did deals with Microsoft. Brr.