[-] yA3xAKQMbq@lemm.ee 15 points 1 year ago

You do understand nobody is talking about ripping out all roads everywhere, right?


[-] yA3xAKQMbq@lemm.ee 17 points 1 year ago

Operative word here being "were".

There is no ambulance in this picture, nor do you know if the bikers are "blocking up the road".

Do you always make up stories about barking up imaginary trees in a fantasy forest?

[-] yA3xAKQMbq@lemm.ee 17 points 1 year ago

🤦‍♀️ I literally gave you the space requirements of cars vs PT in a city that already has stellar public transport compared to the US, and you still can only come up with this utterly lobotomized hot take. Please tell me you're not developing something important.

[-] yA3xAKQMbq@lemm.ee 15 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Mir war beim Hören absolut klar, daß es nicht um orthodoxe Juden geht. Wenn also jemand schreibt, Precht hätte behauptet, orthodoxe Juden dürften nicht arbeiten ist das halt auch falsch.

Also wurde nicht gesagt: "Die dürfen ja gar nicht arbeiten. So ein paar Sachen wie Diamantenhandel und ein paar Finanzgeschäfte ausgenommen. Das ist ja grundsätzlich von der Religion her untersagt."? Und das bezog sich nicht auf orthodoxe Juden? Auf wen dann?

Das sind zwei Menschen, die sich unterhalten.

Das sind zwei Menschen, der eine ausgebildeter Journalist, die seit über 20 Jahren in der Öffentlichkeit in Mikrophone sprechen, und eine aufgezeichnete Sendung veröffentlicht haben, bei der noch mehrere Menschen vor der Veröffentlichung Zeit hatten über das gesagte nachzudenken. Keine zwei Suffköppe an der Theke.

Und dann kann man Kritik dafür kriegen und Sachen richtig stellen.

Dafür müsste man auch etwas richtig stellen und nicht einfach eine "das habt ihr falsch verstanden" non-apology rausgeben.


Jagd, die.

[-] yA3xAKQMbq@lemm.ee 16 points 1 year ago

Es geht um schlechtes Deutsch, dass direkt aus einer Übersetzung aus dem Englischen stammt, aber im Deutschen so nicht verwendet wird. Das kann in wörtlicher Übersetzung schonmal passieren

Wieso sollte das nicht so verwendet werden können. Beide Wörter haben die gleiche Bedeutung in beiden Sprachen, und darüber hinaus die gleich etymologischen Wurzeln. Machen und Sinn sind durch die Angeln, Sachsen, etc in die Englische Sprache aufgenommen worden.

Warum sollten die Briten jetzt Sinn machen können, aber Deutsche nicht. Wird mir nicht so recht klar. Ist einfach Blödsinn, den sich jemand ausgedacht hat, um sich auf seinen angeblichen Sprachverstand einen runterzuholen.

[-] yA3xAKQMbq@lemm.ee 15 points 1 year ago

Taxis are a necessary evil and are okay when they are used to fill in a few gaps. Germany for instance recognizes taxis as public transport.

Uber's role and goal, however, is the same as every other tech platform: rent-seeking, regulatory capture, coercive monopoly, tech-feudalism. Enshittification, as Doctorow called it recently: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enshittification

[-] yA3xAKQMbq@lemm.ee 15 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I'm not a Trump supporter either.

And yet you use the insult "Sleepy Joe" which was coined by your favourite fascist...

One thing, though: "Their guy is as shitty as our guy" isn't the great defense you think it is.

That's literally your "argument" in your top post, dipstick.

[-] yA3xAKQMbq@lemm.ee 15 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

They didn’t mimic existing units, an imperial ton is close to a metric ton, and the spelling tonne is just an alternative spelling of ton. In some parts ton means imperial ton, and tonne means metric ton, but it’s not standardized. In German, where the word originally comes from, it’s Tonne (btw the e is not silent, it’s [ɛ] as in let. Or in Porsche (no, it’s not pronounced porsh…).)

[-] yA3xAKQMbq@lemm.ee 17 points 1 year ago

I don’t like the US at all.

FTFY. Public transport is not like that in other places.

[-] yA3xAKQMbq@lemm.ee 15 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Yes, please go ahead.

I will even open a bottle of sparkling wine for the occasion!

Edit: btw, does anybody else have Nandor The Relentless‘ voice in their head whenever somebody is named Guillermo?

[-] yA3xAKQMbq@lemm.ee 17 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Yeah, but statistics is a b*tch.

We had a similar technology for a test run some years ago at a train station in Berlin, capital of Germany and largest city in the EU with 3.8M.

The results the government happily touted as a success were devastating. They had a true positive rate of 80% (and this was already cooked since they tested several systems at several locations but only reported the best results), which is really not that good to start with.

But they were also extremely proud of the false ~~negative~~ positive rate, which was below 0.1%. That doesn’t sound too bad, does it?

Well, let’s see…

True positive means you actually identified the people you were looking for. Now, I don’t know the number of people Berlin’s police is actively looking for, but it’s not that much. And the chances of one of them actually passing that very station are even worse. And out of that, you have 20% undetected. That’s one out of five. Great. If I were a terrorist, I would happily take that chance.

So now let’s have a look at the false ~~negative~~ positive rate, which means you incorrectly identified a totally harmless person as a terrorist/infected/whatever. The population for that condition is: everyone passing through that station.

Let’s assume there’s a 100k people on any given day (which IIRC is roughly half of what that station in Berlin actually has). 0.1% of 100k is 100 people, every day, who are mistakenly reported as „terrorists“. Yay.

[-] yA3xAKQMbq@lemm.ee 17 points 1 year ago

Well, it certainly beats how it was before, but there isn’t less traffic now – they just put it in a tunnel.

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