guy should do an AMA on what it's like to live a life with a single brain cell.
I really think we're entering an inflection point where there is sufficient critical mass that makes it possible for countries to band together and resist the empire. And the war in Ukraine has been the catalyst for this. The west ended up being sucked into a conflict on a scale it simply wasn't prepared for. A huge chunk of the existing western military assets ended up being committed to Ukraine which necessarily weakened western grip on the west of the world. Meanwhile, the economic war on Russia resulted in the creation of a whole new economy that's operating outside western control. BRICS is now a bigger economic bloc than the entire G7, and this trend will only accelerate now.
I recommend reading what people who actually have a clue have to say on the subject
Ah yes, National Interest, a famous Russian propaganda outlet. Get yourself checked from brain worms ASAP.
would truly be the heart warming story of the year we all deserve
I agree, I’d phrase it as if your labour is the primary means of paying your bills then you're working class.
The fact that the Chinese spy balloon couldn’t collect any data just shows the quality of manufacturing I guess. That or they need to work on their ability to steal technology to get it to work for them. Who knows. What it doesn’t make it is “a so called spy balloon”.
Or you know the obvious answer that it wasn't actually a spy balloon and you're easily convinced of nonsense because it fits with your racist views. It's easier for you to accept that China can't manufacture a spy device because of that. Also, this may shock you, but China has spy satellites and doesn't need to use balloons. The fact that you even think this story is plausible further highlights your view that Chinese are some primitive barbarians using balloons for spying.
The most hilarious part here is how you just keep doubling down on this acting all smug. Once again, there is zero evidence for your conspiracy theory, but you keep on digging there.
I'm very sorry that you aren't able to understand what the stories I post actually say in black and white. Just to emphasize the point once again, US has produced ZERO evidence to substantiate the conspiracy theory that this was a spy balloon. US military has now admitted that the balloon did not collect any data or send anything to China. Yet, we still have people like you running around trying to pretend that this was a spy balloon.
I understand it's hard to accept that you've guzzled propaganda and now it makes you feel stupid to admit that you've been had so easily.
A spy balloon that US military concluded didn't do any intelligence collection. You are very intelligent.
Yes, the boomers got theirs, young people today don't have the same prospects. What part of that are you struggling with?
Average American has around 100k of debt, and over half the population can't afford an unexpected 1,000 expense. What that says is that people are barely making enough money to make ends meet, the chances of them saving enough resources to stop working are nil. Only a tiny percentage of the population is going to be retiring at all.