Cannot input any value. I tried ImHex and with it I am able to change values now... I don't know why
My Dell XPS is perfectly compatible with linux
I don't know man, seems to me XMPP is more secure (unless you trust Signal) and simple to use because you have to jump less hoops
If yo run your signal server does it come with the new quantum E2EE?
If you press P you can get rid of them
Don't understand why someone should downvote you, take my upvote instead
Nobara (which is Fedora but enhanced for gaming and streaming) or Debian/Debian testing or Mint
Use Balena Etcher to "burn" (the correct term is flash) the iso on the usb
The distro I use to play is Nobara. It's noob friendly and is ready to game as soon as you install it.
Ah sì, è andato full Andreotti, vecchia volpe
joined 2 years ago
I think you are right, I saw a different set of numbers in the left bar, but with ImHex the numbers were "correct"