@caos Ich habe den gerade im AntennaPod und hoffe, dass @ueckueck im Laufe der Aufnahme noch darauf hinweist, dass es nicht nur um Mastodon geht.

@dramaticcat Thanks for the advise. I will add it to my block list.

@deegeese @dramaticcat


"The definition of paraphilia is “a condition characterized by abnormal sexual desires, typically involving extreme or dangerous activities.”, which can inclde pedophilia."

"... can inclde [sic]".

Even a foot fetish can be described as paraphilia.


Deine Behauptung von der unmöglichen Pizza finde ich sehr spannend. Ich frage mich gerade, was ich da letztens auf dem Teller hatte.


@Dee Can you estimate your current and/or longterm storage requirements? The quota can be adjusted, so getting in contact with the admin might solve the problem.


If you're a professional artist, it might be a good idea to run your own instance with almost unlimited storage space.


[-] zeitverschreib@social.zwoelfdreifuenfundvierzig.net 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)


Doesn't the 1st apply to US citizens only?



joined 2 years ago