Have yard with dog door, it's good for a bored sniff, and occasionally howling at an ambulance. Doesn't come close to the stimulation he gets from the park or some active interaction. It made housebreaking easy, but that's it

It's more of a "thought catcher" for me. I have a private chat set up that I just jot things down in the moment. I'll occasionally go through and react with emoji to form a few storylines running through the week. It's pretty much a 1 sided text message conversation

Pulled it in, confirmed working again for me

[-] zoe_codez@lemmy.digital-alchemy.app 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I am not able to replicate on Android FF either, but Chrome does have this issue. Maybe your setup is the same that way?

[-] zoe_codez@lemmy.digital-alchemy.app 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)
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joined 2 years ago