What if you think gay people are okay but you still want the poors to starve?
Summon kidney stone.
If there's something really important on that disk, don't do ANYTHING, just unplug it and hand it over to a data recovery company.
If there isn't anything really important on there, go ahead and try and do it yourself.
Paying $100 to a data recovery company can save you a ton of headaches if it has the only copy of your thesis on there and you mess it up trying to fix things yourself.
Don't forget mandatory voting.
Making everyone vote even if they don't really care means that working your supporters up into a frothing rage doesn't work. They're already all going to turn up. If you want to actually win elections, you suddenly have to win over the middle.
That's due to battery prices. You can't pay $25,000 for a battery, put it in a shitbox and sell it for $30,000 because nobody's going to buy a $30,000 car with the features and quality of a $5,000 car. Batteries can only be maybe a third of the cost of a car, so everyone's been targeting the top of the market with expensive EVs.
The good news is, battery prices are continuing to plummet each year. When you have $2,000 batteries, $12,000 cars are doable.
electric cars are all automatic
They aren't, really. They don't actually change gears, if you want to go backwards you spin the motor backwards.
Hilariously, jump starting EVs is a thing if the 12V battery dies. And no, you can't roll start them.
On the Linux side, you get people installing debug builds of drivers, bisecting to identify which commit broke something, doing apitraces, capturing crash dumps and opening bug reports to submit that stuff to driver devs.
You don't really get that sort of thing on Windows, so the drivers try to do it through telemetry. It's how the devs know which games or hardware configs are crashing and need fixes.
failed to mount root filesystem on unknown-block(0,0)
means the kernel started, loaded builtin drivers and drivers from the initrd, looked for the system partition to continue starting up and couldn't find it.
Maybe you removed a disk and /dev/sdb
became /dev/sda
or maybe you forgot to add nvme SSD support and the kernel can't read /dev/nvme0n1p1
Or your disk let out the magic smoke and isn't detected any more.
And the more ads they show, the more people install adblockers.
I'm pretty sure that's code for "understaffed and lots of unpaid overtime".
Everyone thinks ads only work on other people, that's why ads haven't been banned yet.
The devs have been working hard to hammer out those troublesome edge cases. There's a lot less of them than there was a year or two ago.