Mine's stegosaurus, if anyone cares.
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Pterodactyls aren't dinosaurs, FYI: they're pterosaurs. It doesn't matter in the least, but I have a 5-year-old so I'm learning a lot about prehistoric reptiles.
Nor is dimetrodon haha. They're all excellent though
There's two big groups of four-limbed vertebrates: amphibians (like frogs), and amniotes (like us and birds). Amniotes developed into two groups: synapsids (mammals) and saurapsids (lizards, birds, turtles, etc.).
Dimetrodon was a synapsid that ruled the world tens of millions of years before the first dinosaurs evolved.
That makes it really cool, actually, precisely because it isn't a dinosaur. Dimetrodon is to us as brotosaurus is to chickens: a really interesting great great etc uncle.