Where's my ankylosaurus gang at?
Me! Always thought that club was badass
Another community missing (?) from lemmy - /r/ankmemes.
Yo, me too! Though as a kid I thought it was anklyosaurus, and somehow related to ankles.
Unless we're allowed to include extant dinosaur species. In which case the bush stone-curlew is my fav. ❤️ those adorable screemy bois.
Definitely ankle related. Think how it can shatter ankles with that tail.
When my wife drives and we come to a complete stop, if the car next to me has their window down I usually try to ask them their favorite dinosaur. So far only one person has gotten really mad at me, most people just get confused.
How dare you bother me in public! /s
Triceratops was always my fav.
Horn gang represent!
There's dozens of us (if you count lurkers)
Brontosaurus. Just a gigantic chill dude.
chickens are definitely my favourite dinosaur, tastiest one plus they lay big eggs.
Found the guy who never ate fried microraptor wings.
yet to find it in local stores sadly, and i'm unwilling to order food online.
Growing up is learning your favorite dinosaur isn't actually a dinosaur. (mine was pterodactyl)
Growing up is learning your favorite bird is a dinosaur
I'm a stegosaurus man myself.
Absolutely. I don't know what it is about them but yeah, stegosaurus are cool.
Feathered T-Rex. The theory is that those useless little arms are actually supposed to be wings makes more sense. Do they fly? No, and neither do ostriches. Probably glide tho.
With wings that tiny I doubt a T-Rex was doing much gliding either, considering its size.
Maybe falling with style? No, probably not that either.
They Naruto run after you. Thats gotta be it lol
When I think dinosaur, I think Dimetrodon
Poking the bear are we?
Ankylosaurus, give me a living tank with a club for a tail that could likely damage a real tank.
I like Allosaurs.
Diplodocus, because I love the name
It is to our understanding of dinosaur & avian evolution what Lucy is to our understanding of human evolution. Also it looks cool.
I always like pterodactyls, specifically the classic big lizard ones. I do have a tiny Dimetrodon in my pc case though that I got out of a crane machine.
Pterodactyls aren't dinosaurs, FYI: they're pterosaurs. It doesn't matter in the least, but I have a 5-year-old so I'm learning a lot about prehistoric reptiles.
Nor is dimetrodon haha. They're all excellent though
There's two big groups of four-limbed vertebrates: amphibians (like frogs), and amniotes (like us and birds). Amniotes developed into two groups: synapsids (mammals) and saurapsids (lizards, birds, turtles, etc.).
Dimetrodon was a synapsid that ruled the world tens of millions of years before the first dinosaurs evolved.
That makes it really cool, actually, precisely because it isn't a dinosaur. Dimetrodon is to us as brotosaurus is to chickens: a really interesting great great etc uncle.
Triceratops people hold strong!
Hey, I'm technically more correct than everyone who chose dimetrodon, pterosaurs, plesiosauroidea, or crocodilians.
I'm just fascinated by the sauropods. The big ones. I'm gonna go with Supersaurus (because super! Lol)
Sci Am article on how sauropods evolved to be huge over and over again
Of all the animals ever to have roamed the planet, the iconic long-necked, long-tailed dinosaurs known as sauropods stand unrivaled. No other terrestrial creatures have come close to attaining their colossal sizes.
Brachiosaurus because they look as some kind of fictional creature.
As a child, Velociraptor, as an adult I probably wouldn't choose a velociraptor because of how deadly they are. I would probably choose a more friendly docile dinosaur but I honestly don't know what the best one would be.
Hard to choose.
Nodosaurus: (mummified then fossilized: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/mummified-armored-dinosaur-makes-its-debut-1-180963311/)
Microraptor: 4 winged dinosaur
Deinonychus, definitely :)
Spinosaurus until the end.
I would genuinely rather hear what everyone's favorite dinosaur is, than who their favorite sports team is. Yet, society thinks I should care whole lot about the latter...
i always liked compsognathus
they're just little guys
Mine are crows and pigeons. Those count, right?
As long as we are using looser definitions mine are Pleisosaurus for an aquatic, Pterodactyl for air and Brachiosaurus for land.
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