oh come on now. don't talk like that. there's many more reasons to feel bad about being a bassist.
But at least they're not a drummer.
Bassists are just translators between rhythm and melody instruments (source: bassist).
Ouch, but fair
oldie but a goodie:
"what has three legs and a cunt on top?"
"a drum stool"
What? I can'thearyouoverthedrummerwhileimtryingtotune
oh come on now. don't talk like that. there's many more reasons to feel bad about being a bassist.
But at least they're not a drummer.
Bassists are just translators between rhythm and melody instruments (source: bassist).
Ouch, but fair
oldie but a goodie:
"what has three legs and a cunt on top?"
"a drum stool"
What? I can'thearyouoverthedrummerwhileimtryingtotune