a screenshot of the text:
Tech companies argued in comments on the website that the way their models ingested creative content was innovative and legal. The venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz, which has several investments in A.I. start-ups, warned in its comments that any slowdown for A.I. companies in consuming content “would upset at least a decade’s worth of investment-backed expectations that were premised on the current understanding of the scope of copyright protection in this country.”
underneath the screenshot is the "Oh no! Anyway" meme, featuring two pictures of Jeremy Clarkson saying "Oh no!" and "Anyway"
screenshot (copied from this mastodon post) is of a paragraph of the NYT article "The Sleepy Copyright Office in the Middle of a High-Stakes Clash Over A.I."
They have chosen to think that if it runs through AI, it is then a derivative, it is not. If I put Disney and Amazon together as a prompt, things come out very similar to their logos and it's obviously a copyright infringement. The worst part of this, they'll still steal all of the small artists and avoid the larger ones.
Don't forget that they will then switch sides and try to copyright "their work", preventing others from even thinking about their work without paying the toll.
Hey, what if I were to draw two circles...
I hadn't thought of that, we truly are fucked.