It’s hard to keep up with the bullshit. I think they’re storming buildings and burning phoenix down with their angry might to make sure everyone votes republican but also applying to work at every single kitchen in the country for $2/hr. Immigrants are an easy election target
On the streets of Phoenix, can confirm that the BLM fires are raging strong on woke fuel while the strong-yet-somehow-weak-right-now conservatives are all captive in their ~~homes~~ man dwellings. It is truly a successful LGBTQ+ immigrant plot.
It’s hard to keep up with the bullshit. I think they’re storming buildings and burning phoenix down with their angry might to make sure everyone votes republican but also applying to work at every single kitchen in the country for $2/hr. Immigrants are an easy election target
On the streets of Phoenix, can confirm that the BLM fires are raging strong on woke fuel while the strong-yet-somehow-weak-right-now conservatives are all captive in their ~~homes~~ man dwellings. It is truly a successful LGBTQ+ immigrant plot.