"Haha I was only pretending to be stupid"
You ever go to a sports game? Lol
That is hilarious.
I don't follow your point sorry
You won't get far with this guy, he loves getting into arguments with people for no reason at all.
That's my favorite use of ai, remembering old ass movies I have fragments of memories about from my childhood
No they won't lmao
If i was ever going to hike in death valley I'd probably want to go on like a guided group hike, I'd have plenty of sunscreen, snacks and a camelbak filled with ice water.
I mean it would be cool if you could do this in a country and then leave and never go back, I think a lot of people would take that deal lol, I would take that deal lol
How is shaving off a reverse Mohawk in your beard making you look more presentable?
I leave them unblocked, I like seeing the crazies sometimes
Armed forces, police etc