They definitely think they’re the good guys, both the men and women. Not many people knowingly choose to be villains. They are convinced that their ideals are just and true, and their opponents are godless child-murderers and rapists.
you must be a dirty lib, which is the same thing as a conservative, which is basically a nazi THEREFORE you are a nazi, you’ve come full circle
You stand up to wipe your ass?
why lol
“Wind forms when the sun heats one part of the atmosphere differently than another part. This causes expansion of warmer air, making less pressure where it is warm than where it is cooler. Air always moves from high pressure to lower pressure, and this movement of air is wind.” source
I’ve only deleted comments when I actually regret posting them, like if I was an absolute dick to someone who didn’t actually deserve it
I play the sims sometimes. A few years ago I realized that I only really enjoy it when I have a fully fleshed out story of every sim in the game, their relationships to each other, their personalities, etc. So I began the extensively tedious task of making a save like that. I have an excel file with hundreds of lines of text and several sheets detailing every personality trait, every relationship, their hopes and dreams, their ages so I can age them all up appropriately, and more. I also use it to make sure that I have a balanced amount of traits/goals, since the NPCs as EA made them are almost all identical with very small differences (~60% of them had the “family oriented” trait, and if they had that there was a very high likelihood they had the cheerful trait). I will work on it obsessively for a few weeks at a time then stop for months, repeat 1-3 times a year.
- Use software from only the most reputable sources
everyone using brand new lemmy apps from random developers: 👀
I’m not sure of the answer, but generally not everything has to have an evolutionary benefit. As long as it isn’t detrimental to a species reproducing, it will continue to exist in the population.
My parents have seen this movie three times, I’ve seen it twice, might go again lol. I’m in a deficit of movies marketed toward women that dont revolve around romance, I can only watch legally blonde so many times (who am I kidding, I will watch it a dozen more times at least)
I can only assume that my one downvote is from someone who vehemently opposes the notion that anyone could get tired of seeing legally blonde
I am the person who made the villain comment. No, we don’t think you actively go around acting like villains from cartoons lol. But while you quietly enjoy your life, you vote for and support policies that cause direct harm to tens of millions of people. You care about the things that impact you, but not about people you don’t relate to. The people you vote for spread hateful ideas that lead supposedly good, Christian conservatives to commit violent crimes because they think the trans person they meet is automatically a pedophile.