Saying something is the result of patriarchy doesn't absolve anybody (including women) of the responsibility for fixing it.
I voted for her. The Democrats are still at fault.
If he's such an existential threat (and he is), why the fuck are they not forcing the geriatric incompetent running on their ticket to drop out? They're sleepwalking into fascism and it's terrifying.
Having lived there, Houston to College Station to Waco is 100% ugly. Really all of East Texas. I admit the hill country is pretty decent.
I moved to Seattle, though. Most Texans don't know what they're missing.
Remember those pics of Goebbels, one before learning the photographer was Jewish, and one after?
My neighbor died. My 34-year-old coworker died. Those early days of COVID were fucking terrifying.
The whole premise of this veto is that the infrastructure isn't set up for mushrooms to be used as a safe medicine. Which completely ignores the fact that most people who use mushrooms do so recreationally; who gives a shit if it can or can't be used by the medical system? That would be great, but it has no bearing on whether mushrooms should be legalized.
The hatred of Fauci is so bizarre. Even if you thought the public health measures he put in place were misguided, it obviously comes from wanting to protect the public using the best science he had at the time. What possible crime could that entail?
I'm not CPR certified or anything, but I think if you're just grabbing titties you're probably doing it wrong.
It's pretty easy to come up with some things billionaires have done that are good. Bill Gates funding cures and prevention of diseases in the third world is one that comes to mind.
Now, if we're talking about finding an example of a billionaire whose life is on balance a good thing for humanity...that's pretty much impossible.
I got a PhD in philosophy. I have exponentially more experience applying for jobs and getting rejected than most people.
Marx was right about the luddites. The first phase of the development of working clas consciousness is destroying the machines that impoverish the workers. It is not the last phase.