Ah jeez, what can I say but 12 years old is the perfect time to be given a Megadeth album. I think it was Capitol Punishment.

[-] Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world 4 points 20 hours ago* (last edited 20 hours ago)

Thanks for explaining, I wasn't on that page. Not used to thinking in terms of fictionalised personages in terms of current events.

Same page with regard to AI though, the point is well made. I'm all too familiar with slow violence.

He is rather turbulent

Gently recommending that he may not embody your/our political grievances in reality.

I don't know that there is any specific guidance on how to appear to have cut ties. When I was trying to distance myself from someone, I didn't want to keep defining myself in relation to them, even in terms of not being tied to them.

I see a time like this as a chance to learn more about yourself. Explore with different ways of self-expression within your means, see what fits, and take it as far as feels right. Gumtree or Craig's list are good places to start, see what calls out to you and feel free to repaint, redecorate, or modify as needed. Paint is cheap, so playing with new colours and patterns is a good place to start. Just make sure that whatever you choose expresses something real about you, not how disconnected you are from someone that isn't relevant to your life anymore.

It's correct. Atari is making modern games too, I'm excited for Fatal Run 2089. The art form is still quite new, and there's a lot of room for new ideas

Have we tried insisting firmly? Asking rhetorically because no we haven't

The magic system is better than the one in Skyrim, which is a low bar to clear. I was always disappointed by the rudimentary quality of the NPC AI in Oblivion because of the incredible (as it turns out, literally) promises Bethesda was making before release. I remember reading about it in a game magazine and being enthralled with the possibilities... Then it turned out to be what it is. Morrowind was the first video game RPG that I truly, deeply immersed myself in and the quality of that immersion depended on a highly textual approach combined with a world that often surprises and makes demands of you, while also giving you a great deal of leeway in how you negotiate its challenges. After that, Oblivion felt like a failed attempt to move away from relying on writing, and Bethesda has confined itself to failing in that direction ever since, while importantly never failing to make plenty of money doing so.

I liked the story and experience of Oblivion despite all of this, even though it felt like a very limited realisation of its own creative aims. I have high hopes for Skyblivion still, and will look forward to seeing a more lovingly, thoughtfully crafted rendition.

It's very much standing on the shoulders of Chrono Trigger, but in such an intelligent way that it ends up being the better game. Objectively (gameplay, art, direction, music, and writing are all much more ambitious in scope while remaining firmly rooted in the tradition of retro turn based RPGs) and subjectively (we got pretty emotional at some points and laughed pretty hard a few times, always stayed invested in the story) it's just a better game than CT, which is something I simply never expected to say about a new game.

I've also been playing a lot of Noita, but haven't beaten it.

What a list! You did all that this year?

I got through Sea of Stars this month. Really happy with it, glad there's plenty of endgame side-quests since I'm not ready to say goodbye. I'll be following Sabotage closely in the future.

If Ukraine builds a model that can pilot war drones, especially those nasty little grenade drones, it will be a modern day Manhattan project in its historical significance - almost certainly for the worse, though it is hard to blame them.

We're at 0.09 Antietams per day and rising. 🗿


Doctor's had no explanation other than the discharge papers, can I get a hell yeah


A man in Nashville was in a car accident and had a severe skull and brain trauma.... I'm hearing that he checked himself out of the hospital because they wouldn't let him vape. He has been seen walking around town with his head looking like a bitten cookie with several inches of exposed brain. Acting like nothing's up.

The footage is not for the faint of heart. Or anyone, really.

Apropos of nothing... (www.independent.co.uk)

Weird Shit 2024, anyone?

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world to c/foodporn@lemmy.world
submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world to c/foodporn@lemmy.world

I made quesabirria de res and proveletta cheese with consomme. My little innovation is that I gave it a pat of cilantro garlic compound butter with flake salt on top. I'm gonna die happy. These are the best tacos I've ever made. They taste better than being thin, god help me.


Living in a walkable city means my weekly shop is a few hours of walking or biking instead of being stuck in traffic, and I'm only mildly tired afterwards since I use a bike with pretty large pannier bags. Since I have no car related costs I can afford more fresh food, a healthier diet, and I can afford to be more choosy about the ethics of what I buy. There's a twice weekly farmers market about a ten minute walk away, and quiet walks through parks to get to the shops. Living somewhere with car centric infrastructure, as I used to, this lifestyle was far less feasible.

Have your experiences been different with moving to walkable/bikeable cities? Any questions or points to be made? I'm not very up on the theory side of city planning, but my experiences line up with the whole "fuck cars" thing.


Absurdity is cruel, and cruelty is absurd.


But those tomatoes really stole the show


I'm shaking rn

Highland Samoas (lemmy.world)

These are basically samoas (the Girl Scout cookie) built on top of full sized Scottish shortbreads, laden with caramel, toasted coconut, and dipped in chocolate. Normal samoas are designed so you can eat the whole box before you hate yourself. These accomplish that aim with just one.


Stealing from Weissman's board ideas, I made a gastrique with shallot and dried chiltepin for the cream cheese. The rest is all cheap and cheerful Lidl nibbles.

The fakest tonkotsu (lemmy.world)

This is LIKE tonkotsu, if you don't have chashu pork or bones to make your own broth.

I was inspired to attempt Joshua Weissman's new quick recipe, but it ended up with more of a FutureCanoe vibe. I went to every shop in town looking for pork bones and struck out. It took all weekend.

My only options were admitting defeat or conducting a science experiment involving premade ramen broth, pork Bisto, gelatin, and duck fat emulsified with a blender.

Also my tare was bonito and konbu powder rather than real stuff. The Asian markets in town didn't know what shirodashi was, so I had to fake it.

The pork is cured and slow roasted belly, which is itself extremely nice and I'm not mad at that substitution at all.

Still pretty good. I'm happy with how my eggs turned out.

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