[-] Nightwingdragon@lemmy.world 6 points 2 hours ago

It's not just his platform. Watch the dime-store networks that cover him. OANN, Real America, or whatever the fuck they're called. They'll show footage of Trump rallies right next to ads for Ivermectin, clearly obvious crypto scams, and ads you'd expect to see on some shady porn or torrent site.

Which isn't a surprise. Trump has corralled the dumb and gullible and made it nice and easy for scammers to target en masse.

[-] Nightwingdragon@lemmy.world 52 points 1 day ago

Well, I know my next vehicle won't be a Toyota

[-] Nightwingdragon@lemmy.world 3 points 4 days ago

I'm sorry, but I've got to go against the grain and say I don't think Walz is doing that well at all when it matters. He got caught in a huge lie and is becoming noticeably flustered. He's coming off as someone lacking experience at a national level and couldn't even clarify how his own law was written.

[-] Nightwingdragon@lemmy.world 2 points 4 days ago

Oof, that Walz fumble. That probably became a GOP talking point on Twitter before Walz had a chance to regret what he just said. That is going to be the "We beat medicare!" and "They're eating the dogs!" moment of this debate.

[-] Nightwingdragon@lemmy.world 9 points 5 days ago

I refuse to click that link or believe in the existence of this. I don't care how ironic it is or is supposed to be, or how satirical. Naked Trump should never be a thing. Ever. The man should not be allowed to be naked in his own shower for fear a bird may fly by the window and be traumatized at the sight, which would be extreme cruelty to animals.

[-] Nightwingdragon@lemmy.world 173 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)


I'm stating it right now. I am officially running for President in the 2024, 2028, 2032, and 2036 elections. Therefore, to avoid the appearance of impropriety and not show political bias, the criminal court system cannot send me to jail until after the 2036 election, regardless of what crimes I commit or am convicted of in the mean time. The crimes I commit between now and then are irrelevant. I mean, you can convict me of those crimes if you'd like. You just can't punish me for it because I'm a Presidential Candidate under the Trump standard set forth by this judge.

This act of "not showing bias" goes to show the exact bias that the entire court system continues to give to Trump: giving him special privileges that exactly zero other people in this country would have extended to them in the same situation. And in one fell swoop, Merchan shows that he's absolutely no better than the rest of them; when push comes to shove, every single one of them will go out of their way to avoid holding Trump accountable for anything, all the while wondering why he keeps doing it.

He's doing it because it works. He's doing it because you let him. He's doing it because you are unwilling to do anything to stop him.

And he's going to keep doing it because you continue to let him win. Fuck this judge and fuck every other judge who continues to rule that Trump gets special treatment as if it's some kind of fucking birthright.

[-] Nightwingdragon@lemmy.world 340 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Ever play an arcade video game from the 1980s? I'm talking about the ones in the arcades where you had to pop a quarter into the machine to play.

Here's the thing about those games. The first 2 levels or so were usually pretty easy. Weak AI opponents. Easily distinguishable patterns. But then you hit level 3 or 4. And the difficultly skyrockets. With absolutely no warning. You go from "Hey, this game ain't so bad" to regretting all of your life choices. And if you don't know what you're doing, you're going to get owned, hard. Only a few people could get past a couple of levels, and only the best of the best were skilled enough to be able to play as long as they wanted until they clocked the game.

That's where we're at now. Trump played those first couple of levels. Clinton was a divisive figure in her own right and treated the 2016 race like she could skate to victory too. Biden had weaknesses that Trump could easily exploit. The real game has begun and Trump has absolutely no idea how to actually play. So Trump wants to start the game over. He doesn't want to make it to level 3 because he knows he'll never beat level 3. He's looking for a reset switch like on the Atari 2600 so he could keep playing the first two levels over and over and over. Because he knows how to beat those.

But he can't. So he's essentially stopped playing the game. He's telling everybody in the arcade how rigged that machine is, the joystick's broken, and you need to hit the fire button 10, 12, 15 times for it to fire. And he's getting jealous that all the cool kids in the mall aren't listening to him, and are circling around the new girl who popped her quarter in and has gotten to levels Trump hasn't even seen before, while he goes to the corner of the arcade, pops a quarter into the dusty, old Pong machine, and wonders why nobody fucking cares.


Says the man who is the 2nd man on the ticket of the man borrowing Epsdein's plane.

Somebody, please, make it make sense......

[-] Nightwingdragon@lemmy.world 246 points 6 months ago

A couple of important details that got overlooked.

  • Don Jr. and Eric Trump do not have to put up the $5 million each that they were fined. Those collections are being paused as well.

  • The restrictions against Don Jr. and Eric Trump that would prevent them from running the business for 3 years has been lifted.

So much for that accountability. Can't wait to hear about the entire judgement getting tossed because an appelate judge decided that the Susan Collins rule of "He learned his lesson, and he pinky swears it won't happen again" applies.

[-] Nightwingdragon@lemmy.world 214 points 7 months ago

I actually consider this a very big win for Trump.

Literal decades of fraud that netted him billions in profits and he only has to pay back $300 million.

Little decades of fraud, and he's only banned from being an officer or director for 3 years. He gets to keep everything else.

Once again a very rich person got away with decades of crimes and only had to give back a portion of the profits. $355 million is only a small portion of the money he has made in the past four decades.

Guy should have been forced to cough up the full 375, and then permanently banned from doing any more businesses in the state. Anything else is a gift.

[-] Nightwingdragon@lemmy.world 209 points 11 months ago

Well, this should be no surprise.

She's been bending over backwards for Trump since day one, and she's spent this entire time dragging her feet on even the most basic of issues. She created delay after delay, and is now using the delay she created as the justification for granting the postponement that Trump has been seeking all along.

"Mid November." What a god damned coincidence. The rotting corpse of Hellen Keller could have seen right through that load of bullshit.

[-] Nightwingdragon@lemmy.world 204 points 1 year ago

The whole point of things like this is to dilute the impact of the words being used. This way, when they get caught doing the exact same thing, it won't seem "bad" in the eyes of their constituents.

It's one of the reasons the GOP are pushing so hard to impeach Biden. So when people say that Trump was impeached twice, the MAGA crowd can just say "Yeah, so was Biden. So was Clinton. Presidents get impeached all the time. They never get removed. It's all for political show anyway, it's no big deal. The next guy will probably get impeached too."

It's why GOP politicians are trying to frame even minor incidents of protest as "insurrections" or "coups". They know it sounds ridiculous. That's the whole point. If you water down words like "insurrection", "coup", "sedition", and "treason", then the MAGA crowd can just say "January 6th wasn't an insurrection. The country is still here. Quit calling every protest an insurrection. We're not in the 1780s any more."

Same thing with the RICO charges. Why do you think Miller and MTG were tweeting "RICO?". Charge everybody with RICO charges and Trump being charged no longer seems like a big deal.

It's a long term strategy. Make the idea of being charged with crimes just a normal part of the political process, and make everybody think it's not that bad. That way, when they're caught engaging in the corrupt acts they routinely accuse others of engaging in, it'll be considered "normal" and "no big deal", and make it almost impossible to remove them.

[-] Nightwingdragon@lemmy.world 178 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

What he and others who make this argument refuse to comprehend is this: If the VP were allowed to pull a stunt like this, then we are essentially saying that the VP picks the next President of the United States. No need to hold an election; might as well just have Harris declare Biden the winner of 2024 already and let's just skip right to the swearing in. Heck, let's be efficient about it -- who wants to be President in 2028? Might as well have Harris declare the winner of that election too. Look at that; we've got the Presidency sorted out for the next decade or so, and we can spend the next few years prepping someone like AOC for the White House in 2032.

I mean that's the way it works, right? The VP can just unilaterally declare who did and didn't win the election, right GOP? Because if this is the rule you're gonna set forth, we might as well take full advantage of it......


As expected, Cannon is giving Trump what he wants.

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