[-] NoMoreCocaine@lemmy.world 8 points 8 months ago

That's always been the craziest thing to me about the US police system. In Finland the police is not legally allowed to lie to you about facts. They can lie about themselves and whatever, but not wholesale invent out of the thin air and gaslight people into believing that they did something.

[-] NoMoreCocaine@lemmy.world 15 points 9 months ago

IIRC - USA is a lot more arbitrary and less interested in the customer safety (and open for bribery, sorry I mean lobbying) and USA also has a good amount of stuff for sale that's not allowed in EU.

There's quite a few articles and videos on the subject, but it's been a long time since I read or watched any.

[-] NoMoreCocaine@lemmy.world 6 points 9 months ago

That's pretty reductive and bad comparison. Your example boils down to saying that you could argue guitarist is a machine assisted.

[-] NoMoreCocaine@lemmy.world 6 points 11 months ago

I guess it's the graphics and the weird keyboard combo? Because otherwise I don't really see what's the issue. It was so influential and good when it came out that you can get into actual arguments if any successor games are actually better than the original series (disregard the remake).

It's basically still top tier stealth game, but the keyboard interface is weird as fuck initially. But you get used to it within hours, if you want to.

The graphics might be insurmountable for many people.

[-] NoMoreCocaine@lemmy.world 19 points 1 year ago

You people need to watch the GDC Talk by the spiderweb software indie dev from like half a decade ago. He said, loud and clear, that the 30 cut is great and worth it for what he gets. Sure, lower cut is always nice, but let's not be stupid and say that the devs don't get their money's worth.

[-] NoMoreCocaine@lemmy.world 23 points 1 year ago

Is it "controversial" to be a plagiarist now? Depending on how it's done, it's edging on a crime or a full blown crime, rather than controversy. I don't really think there's much to make an dispute about.

That said there's certainly a lot drama about her, not that I've looked at any of it. So I am not in the know of anything that's going on, beyond the plagiarism.

[-] NoMoreCocaine@lemmy.world 7 points 1 year ago

Wait what? I've been using windows exclusively for art and music. Not specifically for live music and nothing stops me from that. What are these exclusive Mac apps that can't be replaced with something else?

[-] NoMoreCocaine@lemmy.world 17 points 1 year ago

Ok, but controlling for population doesn't actually make it better for you guys. You're still far and away the number one in number of mass shootings. By orders of magnitude.

Note that there is a really bad outdated study that puts US in the number 11 (and it's not relevant, because it's really outdated by now. I suspect that because of these frequent record breaks, it would look bad even with the fuckery), because they did a lot statistical fuckery to make it so. It's too long of an explanation to write out what they did.

However, you can just use the average for number of mass shootings per year/month/week and you propel to the top like a rocket.

So, yes it's more than just "Americans dumb", but everything points to the fact that US is rotten to the core, and lack of gun control is definitely part of the problem. Poverty, inequality, police violence, lack of social programs (because fuck commies, fam) and so forth... But while it's not unique to US, it's definitely typical US problem.

[-] NoMoreCocaine@lemmy.world 7 points 1 year ago

Hmm, I haven't played it. I avoid everything epic store stuff (even though I would have gotten it for free, since I'm childhood friends with one of the devs). So I'm curious, what's the problem? I've heard like three people say that it's their game of the year already, so I'm curious what's the issue for you?

[-] NoMoreCocaine@lemmy.world 6 points 1 year ago

That'd be more meaningful if Bethesda had ever managed to create a story with any worth. Sometimes the bones of a decent story are there, but the execution is usually amateur hour.

[-] NoMoreCocaine@lemmy.world 12 points 1 year ago

Wizard of the Coast license fiasco is about the same. Except of course that "confidence in your product" is a bit of a misnomer. It's not a confidence in the D&D, but the license. A lot of people were trusting the OGL, and the changes would have fucked over half of the industry with their "retroactive" changes.

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