Yeah but Brave? Why not Firefox or Vivaldi.
Well they should have fined Facebook for the Cambridge Analytica scandal, a couple of trillions. That would have taught a lot of companies about ~~ethics~~ how to not lose all your money.
Apple is not offering these changes outside of the EU because this is not the safest system for our users.
I almost spilled my drink. Apple should do stand-up comedy.
Reading the comments from that article is a prime example of how a cult functions.
In reality this will have a 0,002% impact. Most phone users are tech-illiterate and have no idea how to use their devices. You expect these people to go to a different store? On Android you can have other app stores, why don't you have? Because Play Store is default and all app developers want to be where most users are, not on a 3-4% user share store.
It will most likely be background noise in the first months and everyone will go back to the App Store. The only people that will use an alternate store will most likely be the same ones that use F-droid, so 0,002% of the users.
But hey, it's better to scream how this whole thing is making their devices less secure, because Apple told them so.
Apple will find a way to appease the dumbasses in Europe
I imagine Tim Apple's bottom is shinier than Bender's from all that kissing. One often wonders why people keep drinking the Kool-Aid from such behemoths. Must be something in the water.
Adobe already killed almost all competition in the creative space and I hate that. I'm thankful for software like Davinci Resolve and the Affinity apps.
But will they stop tracking and cross tracking your every move across the web? Because with all the paid options these sites offer I don't really see a mention of not tracking you. Same back then when Reddit was still alive for me, for the sub they only stopped showing you ads but there was no mention of tracking.
I mean I won't pay for Facebook ad-free thingy, I only go on the website 2-3 times a month so I could care less.
Using privacy and Brave in the same sentence is a quite a leap.
Good luck, I guess? Got the first Google home, at first it was great, I was asking it tons of questions. Then the questions stopped, used it for turning on the lights and other automations. Then I installed Home Assistant and the only command Google Home got was to set a timer to know when to pull things out of the oven. Eventually I stopped doing that.
At the moment all Google/Nest Homes have their mic cut off, I only use them to stream music in my house from my NAS via Plex. So yeah..
I don't know about US but in the EU these things don't fly.
Same, I'm ok with a subscription but I would want it like Sync for Reddit where I pay 5-6-7€ to remove the ads and the rest can stay on Ultra.
Edit: Also the per vendor "legitimate interest" toggle without the option to decline all at once is pretty scummy and also illegal.
Reading on different Apple sites, it's hilarious. People are acting like they are being sued. Crazy to watch how cult members react. I mean it's unhealthy but it is what it is.