Ich hab den zur letzten Wahl mut meinem AfD-Cousin neben mir gemacht. Jede Frage diskutiert und eigentlich viel gemeinsame Meinungen gehabt. Bei mir kam AfD ganz unten. Er meinte, das überrasche ihn jetzt. Ändert aber offensichtlich nichts.
Die sollten das zu ner Attraktion machen. Einmal die Woche ne Liveband und eine kleine Chance, die ganze Woche dort zu verbringen.
This needs to be rock-solid for our users!
- no developer ever.
It's not the same, though. One will stop if a previous command fails, the other will continue.
"Pointers" twitch
The joke to counter "you can't even write cursive" and other boomer bs is "well at least I know how to print a PDF", alluding to the abysmal tech intuition of some boomers, usually those in controlling roles like managers or CEOs.
I'd make a "print a pdf" joke, but honestly, that's already an unnecessary "skill".
Sadly, technology has moved towards single finger usability and thrown out features in the process. Printing a PDF is now easy, because there's a big button (that sells you a cloud subscription for some reason), but it's also the only thing the app does.
I don't know about you, but it's dry where I'm standing. haughty huehuehue
I used to be able to read during car rides. While going on holidays, I read the half blood prince to my family. The whole car was in tears and I had to take a break. Dad was driving; no clue how much his vision was impaired...
Detonate the warp core!
And they flat out denied Biden.
Koda, is that you?