kind of.. a "AMD GX-420GI SOC: quad-core APU" the one with no L3 Cache, in an Thin Client and 8Gb Ram. old Laptop ssd for Storage (128GB) Nextcloud is usable but not fast.
edit: the Best thing: its 100% Fanless
kind of.. a "AMD GX-420GI SOC: quad-core APU" the one with no L3 Cache, in an Thin Client and 8Gb Ram. old Laptop ssd for Storage (128GB) Nextcloud is usable but not fast.
edit: the Best thing: its 100% Fanless
There is blue gatorade and blue gatorade without sugar, they have the same color and thats Bad, i have picked up the wrong one more than once
This could be a snapdragon X handheld, and one day run an unofficial good OS.
Im Original Artikel ist Linux nur ganz kurz am ende erwähnt, der Titel ist mehr Clickbate als etwas anderes.
Distro: "Ubuntu with Bing"
Oh does * mean every minute anyway.
Using Linux is just the first step to leaving tech and becoming a farmer. And we all want it one day
thats a reason to use the uuid in the fstab
next step: the system asks for the sudo passwort to confirm 😅
Is Tux playing Cards with the Plan 9 Mascot
Are you using uranium as fuel?
and you could prerecord the stream...