This post was reported for breaking community rules. Its not obvious to me what rules would be broken. dm me if you feel strongly about it and would like to clarify.
This post was reported for being a news article not a shower thought. Also it seems like several of the comments are concerned that it is political.
There isn't a rule against posting a link. The article does seem relevant and OP's thought isn't taken from the article, it seems unique, like something you might think of in the shower after reading the article.
There isn't a rule against political posts. Many posts have some component of politics to them.
Thank you all for being civil with each other. Thank you all for commenting and reporting when think something is pushing the limits on what should be considered a "shower thought", it's an abstract concept, so social pressure is helpful in shaping the community. I try to error on the side of being permissive.
As always, I am open to feedback.
Edit: spelling, ironically
Sounds like an unpleasant shower... I'm sorry
Yeah, it's interesting to look through the edit history over the years. With StreetComplete I recently fixed ~8 stores that were many years out of date, during an hour walk.
It's fun to find a real hole-in-the-wall that even google maps doesn't have.
Is this just a title and a picture? Am I missing the details somewhere?
After reading the sidebar, I'm not sure this counts as an article. Happy to remove it.
That's a great point. I probably could have worded that differently.
Does anyone else think the thumbnail looks like a llama with laser eyes?
If Clear is an equity problem, then the toll lanes that are going in all over California certainly are.
Toll roads would be equal. The toll lanes feel really bad.
That's very fair. I don't like how unpredictable Bluetooth is when you have multiple peripherals and multiple hosts paired to eachother and all within range of eachother.
So you are saying that AI today is like Bluetooth today
Yeah these are tricky social and technical problems that will be solved one way or another. Corporations can solve it behind closed doors, but I'm glad that governments are also trying to solve it.
If we have the opportunity to criticize the government's solutions then than means there is transparency, which is more than we would get from many corporations.