Mitochondria is the power house of the cell
Angry updoot
Vegetarian? Yes. Vegan? No.
I am a vegetarian. I eat dairy. I don't eat meat and eggs.
Also KeePass, I've switched from bitwarden to KeePassDX on mobile and set up syncing to nextcloud and google drive. Aegis for time based OTP's.
My phone (redmi note 10) has a memory card slot and dual sim slots. I recently bought a 128Gb memory card for around 10$. I'll always go for a phone with a microSD slot.
There is a script for it, I've been meaning to use it and create couple of alts but haven't done yet.
Finally finished the Indian flag, where are you guys at?
KISS launcher, it's simple and quick. It is a search based launcher. It is also open source and on fdroid
Check out Mindustry, It's on fdroid.
When someone asks me if I'm on facebook, I can say I'm on The Federation, has a nice ring to it
Liftoff has been pretty great, Lemming looks polished already but it does not seem to be active anymore
I've fully switched to Firefox everywhere. The only thing I'm missing is a lightweight browser which is not based on chromium for my potato tablet. jQuarks viewer is a good one but can be dumb sometimes, it opens image instead of the link for eg.