This is all hard to do because it is hard to determine people's race on lemmy. Some usernames give it away but most don't. And I don't go snooping trough their post history to find that out.
What i don't understand is how fuel efficiency does not seem to be a concern of an average buyer? It is a large factor for me, and I'm proud to have highly efficient car for its class. Are those large trucks somehow more efficient than older, smaller models? Or are average buyers just not concerned with efficiency?
Well not everyone has seen the light of factorio, so i might be over-fixating on efficiency.
What's DRM in this context? Surely linux kernel doesn't do digital rights management? does not get it. Can you explain?
It is kinda obvious that maxist ideas are aligned with the open source ideas. Are they very much against commies?
This is the real big-endian way. So your things line-up when you have all of these:
If I were designing a natural language, I'd put adjectives after the nouns, so you start with the important things first:
car big red
instead of
big red car
If you feel any better: i think that modern requirements for games are bizarrely too high for relatively small gains over what we had 10 years ago.
Please, dont joke with things like this. Someone might take you seriously...
Haha sounds about right!
Is this based on actual event or is it a general joke?
After reading stories like this, I more and more convinced that if we want to have a free market, we need to limit the size of companies allowed to participate in it. Because if you have 2 companies controlling the whole market, they can and will produce "dynamic security"-type of garbage.
Maybe we should start submitting DMCA takedown requests for Google Chrome because it contains that filthy PirateBay and Library Genesis. Such apps should be illegal.
This is the way.
Almost completely pure way of storing ideas. With this I mean that you don't store unnecessary data such as "background should be white" or "left page margin is 1.3cm". It's just text. What's important is what it says + minimal markup.
Presentation is left to the reader's client. Do you want dark mode? Get a markdown editor/reader that supports it. Do you want serif font? Again, that's client's choice and not part of the document.
I wish browsers would support markdown out of the box, so you could open
This logic is not sound. Why couldn't be the case that only one religion is right?
Three people looking at a triangle might have different opinions about what shape it is. It is inconceivable that they are all right, but that does not imply that they are all wrong.