You sound like someone who poops in residential garbage cans
Yeah, there really should be some expectation of stewardship in exchange for absurd post-Disney copyright durations.
💡If we simply make it illegal to... not have children? No, that's not right. Not want to have children? No, impossible to enforce. Ah, it must be illegal to profess the lack of desire to have children. What a beautiful and simple law that will certainly address the root cause of falling birth rates.
How can they expect regular people to remember what the Windows app does? It would seriously be better to pick a word at random than to overload the meaning of "Windows" again.
Here are some way better names right off the top of my head:
- Kablam!
- Telefenestra
- Portle
- Microsoft micro/do
And especially now the work week has slimmed down where no one works on Friday anymore
Excuse me, what now? I didn't get that memo.
Ubuntu Linux excretes 20% more performance
Because now touch does two things.
Without touch, we could "just" use the shell to create files.
: > foo.txt
Conversely, you're just not important enough to haunt
"Gen Z is Causing Inflation Because I Hate Them"
I live under Iraq and this comment made me look up whether she's a billionaire. Guess that's why she's been in the news so much lately. Jesus. I wish the billionaire count was going down, not up.
If only they had Comcast, they could experience the joy of 10G internets.
Wtf, why would you put the third cat at risk like that? You already had ample evidence that the name is cursed!