... was he ok?
Nor I, as a sovereign citizen in the United States.
Dats a goose
Oh, this'll blow your mind. Digital cameras don't capture the entire image all at once. They typically capture one row of pixels at a time, so each row comes from a different moment in time.
So the point I was alluding to is that two adjacent frames in a video carry slightly more timing information than they might appear to based on timestamps.
Specifically, if you have two frames where a dot appears at the bottom and then a second dot appears at the top, you can't be 100% certain that the first dot to appear actually showed up first, or whether it's an artifact of the rolling shutter effect.
Worf factor 5
Dumb question, but why is the water cooler than the bridge? Because it was underground? Or does the evaporation help because it's endothermic?
I don't understand how conservatives can be so fucking stupid that they don't understand that our entire planet and biosphere crumbling and dying beneath us will cost the economy.
Some would rather kick the can down the road. They figure they'll die before shit gets real.
I didn't have this context. I always thought it was really heartless how people turned it into a meme. Honestly, it still isn't funny to me. Guess you had to be there.
Not really. I believe : is the "true" builtin. So it's like running a program that exits with zero and writes nothing to stdout. The >> streams the empty stdout into the named file.
Counterpoint: how can Huckleberry Finn exist if our eyes aren't real?
I'm shocked that viewing history for individual accounts is public info!
The C++ side gives you what you need to create your own seat belt: spools of razor wire and clippers to remove the sharp edges (but no gloves). If you cut yourself, it's your own damn fault. Real developers have discipline.