[-] CrabAndBroom@lemmy.ml 73 points 2 months ago

This is one of the greatest scams that conservatives get away with IMO, not just in the US but it happens in the UK and other places too. Conservatives get in, go hog wild cutting taxes, selling off public assets and throwing huge contracts to their friends, and then as soon as the other side gets back in they find that they have to now balance the books, the conservatives start complaining and saying they're the fiscally responsible ones.

It's literally happening right now in the UK - we just got rid of the Tories finally after about 15 years, and the new Labour government immediately found a £20 billion hole in the economy which they now have to make harsh cuts to sort out, and they're the ones getting criticized for it by the media.

[-] CrabAndBroom@lemmy.ml 71 points 5 months ago

I think it's because for so long they've relied on Democrats/people on the left (I say that because it's not just in the US, it's become the right-wing tactic all over the place) being serious and arguing in good faith, IE: they'll just say the wildest shit that's blatantly untrue, and people on the left tend to bust out the facts and links to long explanations of why that's false, and they just counter it with more nonsense until their opponents get tired and quit, then they proclaim victory. But if you just go "you're weird, fuck you" and then refuse to follow up on it they kind of don't know what to do with it.

Also, the amount it's pissing them off means it's working, everyone keep doing it!

[-] CrabAndBroom@lemmy.ml 58 points 9 months ago

Knowing reddit, I assume the thinking was something along the lines of "I can regularly win a reddit argument, therefore my towering intellect will surely win the day on TV and I will become a hero." Which of course doesn't hold up at all against someone with professional-grade social/communication skills no matter how right-on your point is.

[-] CrabAndBroom@lemmy.ml 60 points 10 months ago

Mitch McConnell would happily sell his country into fascism for literally no good reason at all. He's retiring soon and is rich enough to want for nothing for the rest of his life - he gains nothing of lasting value from this.

Few people in history have been granted the amount of power and opportunity he's had to improve people's lives, and he's chosen make them immeasurably worse at every turn.

A wasted life, a wasted career and all he'll leave behind is a broken world that would have been better off if he'd never been in it.

[-] CrabAndBroom@lemmy.ml 64 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

If you're bored, a fun activity is to show the headline (and sub-header) to a non-Linux person and watch their face lol.

Ubuntu Budgie switches its approach to Wayland

Elementary OS going full speed ahead, but Parachutist Parakeet considers a new, post-Enlightenment glide path

[-] CrabAndBroom@lemmy.ml 70 points 1 year ago

As a Brit living in another country, I get this too. People make jokes about me liking Doctor Who, drinking lots of tea and having bad teeth.

How dare you but also that is completely accurate.

[-] CrabAndBroom@lemmy.ml 72 points 1 year ago

I assume like every other country's big climate plans they'll announce it, do nothing and then back pedal on it 2 years from now.

Credit for goals hit, not just stated.

[-] CrabAndBroom@lemmy.ml 62 points 1 year ago

I think the idea behind these kinds of laws isn't so much the stated intent, which as far as I can tell is basically unenforceable, but to introduce a ton of extremely vague laws that could apply to almost anything you do online, which they can then use selectively against whoever they feel like.

[-] CrabAndBroom@lemmy.ml 58 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I think it would depend on how confident I am that I'd be able to beat the kidnappers.

If it's like inept comedy movie kidnappers and I feel like I'm on my way to deliver an ass kicking, then yes I'd play pump-up music.

If it's scary KGB/ISIS kidnappers and I'm probably on my way to perform a well-intentioned yet ultimately futile gesture where I'll likely get killed before I even get through the door, then probably no tunes for that one.

[-] CrabAndBroom@lemmy.ml 67 points 1 year ago

Not exactly a trend, but I'm really worried about this next generation of kids that's coming up. During COVID they were locked down for a bit, which I think has caused some of them some socialization problems, and then they were just dumped back into school and there were no vaccines for kids so a lot of them just sort of got COVID freely.

We still have no idea what's going on with long COVID (and it seems to sometimes do something to the brain - people losing their taste and smell, brain fog etc.) so between missing out on key social milestones and a potential plethora of long-term and poorly understood health issues, I'm worried we're gonna have a really weird generation of people coming up in the next couple of decades.

[-] CrabAndBroom@lemmy.ml 73 points 1 year ago

Also please begin the Github page or whatever with a description of what the app is actually for or what it does. I know that sounds super obvious, but the number of times I've seen links that are like "I made this app from scratch for fun, let me know what you think!" and then you click through and the app is called Scrooblarr or something and it has no indication of what it actually does is... more than it should be.

[-] CrabAndBroom@lemmy.ml 60 points 1 year ago

Bit of a weird thought, but I wonder also if they see Mozilla as a sort of controlled opposition too? As in, keep Firefox around so they don't get in trouble over antitrust or something like that?

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