your primary instance literally permits white erasure posts.


I mean, as vile as the supreme court is, lifetime appointments means they aren't under trump's influence anymore.

We had a supreme court in the 1890s (read this carefully, the 1890s, not 1980s) that was very disgusting and upheld racial segregation, but that same court also upheld birthright citizenship (Wong Kim Ark vs United States). So we never know what would happen.

Is this court gonna become even more backwards than a 1890s court? Idk 🤷‍♂️

Only time will tell.

"Communist" Party of China being capitalists. How ironic 🤣

I'd argue that the US is perhaps even more "Socialist" than China.

The US can at least have unions, have some level of labor protections, and have legally protected strikes.

China has none.

Putin knew the problems of VOIP calls. Just look at the US election with polling centers getting bomb threats via the internet. Putin probably ordered those calls to be made.

Well, hopefully the NSA doesn't spy on allied countries... oh wait...


What about US Citizens of Mexician ancestry that are dealing with shitty ICE agents that refuse to recognize their citizenship?

I mean, they aren't technically Mexican so I doubt Mexican government/embassies have the legal authority to help.


Well it technically did crash.

(After loss of control of the plane, caused by missile hitting the plane)

Maybe don't fly near conflict areas, regardless who's side you're on.

"Guys, I told my neighbor that his race was inferior and his family doesn't deserve to exist and that he and his family should get deported, but my neighbors all started insulting me. Why is everyone a snowflake? I'm only excersicing my #GodGiven right of free speech, and I'm speaking only the #Truth! AITA?" -Typical Musk Tweet


Is like... "Man falsely get arrested, becomes a rAdICaL anarchist"

hmm... wonder why... 🤔

Freedom is when nazis can freely beat you on the street and cops do nothing. FREEDOM, BABY! 🦅🇺🇸

(Fun fact, I got arrested when I defended myself against a bully in school, ACAB)

"ClosedAI" rebrand when?



I mean, like, every time something happens, like election results, coups in other countries, dictator gets overthrown by rebels, some corporate ceo getting shot, etc..., I say "hmm, what an interesting timeline I'm on" like half joking as a reference to time travel Movies/TV, but its also kinda half serious.

I mean like, I think about the Cold War and the two famous nuclear close-calls (Cuban Missile Crisis with Vasily Arkhipov, and the Radar False Alarm incident with Stannislav Petrov) amongst many other less-known nuclear close-calls, and I just think, there's no way we should've survived those, like if each incident was a 50%/50% of ending in a nuclear war, then amonst that many close-calls, like 9 out of 10 timelines would've been the end of the world. Like it doesn't really make sense for the world be a non-many worlds type with many different possibilities, cuz we'd be dead from nuking ourselves.

So we just got lucky with ending up on the 1 in every 10 timelines where the world didn't end. And it seems like out luck has ran out since... I mean look at how the world is dealing with climate change, no country seem to care much, USA just elected a climate change denial party.

So I mean, don't y'all think this "different timelines" thing make sense?

(Basically what I'm asking is, Many-Worlds Theory? Do you believe that, Yes or No?)

(Sorry if this makes no sense, IDK how to express thoughts properly 😅)

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by to c/

Or does it only count upvote only?

I searched lemmy and can't find the answer. Lemmy documentation also didn't specify.

Edit: Sorry didn't really wanna make a whole post about it, but like my curiosity can't stand not knowing every detail of Lemmy. I want to know this so I know how to sort Lemmy better

Follow up Question: Which sorting method do y'all think is the best?


I mean, I read news articles that say the TSA fail to actually catch prohibited items like weapons or drugs most of the time... so what's the point? Many people are calling this "Security Theater"... Does this "Security Theater" actually scare away a would-be terrorist?

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by to c/

[Edit: New Moderation Team has since been installed by Reddit]

I mean, I totally get it. People keep posting (according the the mod) stuff like "DRONES ARE SPYING ON ME", of course, who'd want to moderate that shit? I'm glad the user decided to quit, and not have to babysit weirdos spamming conspiracy theories. (Its unpaid anyways, why even do it if the conspiracy-therory-filled community doesn't appreciate it)

Welp, that's a subreddit shutdown I haven't seen for a while. Good luck to whoever is next to deal with weird conspiracy shit.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by to c/

Warning: angry rant below

So I lost lost the Username and Passwords to all my 3 credit bureau accounts, and also the email account, this appened like earlier this year, (or maybe last year not sure... anyways...). I didn't bother resetting at the time since I didn't need to get a credit card or loan or anything.

But today I decided to reset those accounts to check my credit. So I started with calling Experian to try to reset the account. So right away, I'm already mildly annoud that a fucking automated voice Bot took the call and then on top of that, they fucking played a fake "keyboard typing" sound to mimic a human typing on a keyboard after every response 🤦‍♂️, like yo I know its a bot, stop with this BS. So it asks what I need help with, "accessing account", okay it asks for SSN and zip code, okay gave that, then this bot just sent a reset to my email, WHICH I DONT HAVE ACCESS TO!!!, okay no problem, I'll just talk to a person, "talk to a representative", okay this is the most infuriating part, bot says "I'M SORRY, I'M ONLY ABLE TO DO THAT IN LIMITED CIRCUMATANCES" (paraphrased, I don't remember the exact wording)... excuse me what the fuck, this audacity of this fucking bot, I say it again, but the only 2 options are "continue" with the automatic self-help system, or "end call"... MOTHERF****R 🤬🤬🤬

Jesus Fucking Christ, who gave these stupid "Credit Bureaus" their authority?

I see a future of:

"Hello 911, please send an ambulance, I'm dying."

Bot: "Sorry, not blood detected, unable to dispatch an ambulance"

dude was having a heart attack, of course no blood was detected


Not sure if this is the correct place to post, but I just wanna kinda rant a bit.

I'm not the only one that hates this, right?

An app can just do a "This App Does Not Allow Screenshots"? Like... wtf?

Like, its my phone, and some app can just decide to disable a fuction of my phone. It's my phone and if I wanna take a screenshot, I'm taking a screenshot. I don't care about whatever "security" the app developer wants.

Imagine if every online shopping app whether fast food or amazon, just used this to block you from taking a screenshot so you can't save the records in case of a dispute.

Which android developer thought it was a good idea to let an app disable a function on your phone. Even iPhone doesn't have this stupid concept.

Sorry for the rant.

Anyone wanna share your stories?

(P.S. I have a cheap secondary phone to take photos of the screen. "This App Does Not Allow Screenshots" my ass lmao, I'm taking the screenshot whether the app wants it or not.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by to c/

This implies that all electronic communications are insecure.


I'm NOT the parent in question. Just a FYI.

And by mental capacity, I mean like not just IQ, but also other mental conditions like depression, ADD/ADHD, etc...

Like the child(ren) has not done anything wrong like crime or misbehave, but simply the parent thinking that giving an inhertance to (in their view) a "mentally disabled" child is a waste and "would just end up in the hands of government". And they justify it since they think that "the kid can just get disability income anyways". (Location is USA, for reference)

I personally think this is just very ableist... what do you think? Is it okay for parents to do that?


(Has anyone posted this yet?)

Obligatory: I didn't create this, I #yaRRR'ed 🏴‍☠️ it from the other site

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by to c/

I've seen at least 2 post today where a front page post has many normal looking comments, but their username was [deleted] Doesn't seem normal, any theories on whats going on?

Is my browser bugged?

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by to c/

Only one time use.

Think of like world leaders, celebrities, ya know 😉. Are you gonna make them do some embarassing things, or illegal acts.

My answer:

spoilerTake control of an NSA agent with access to the most powerful hacking tools, hack everyone's phone, install a program that randomly have a popup at random intervals, the popup message says "I'm watching you". This also tries to spread itself to any other phone it can connect to. Pure chaos 😈

Pretty sure I can do this in a minute, depending on how good the NSA tools are.

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