i don't fly i just take trains and buses
Yeah that's the only thing i haven't tried yet, but they are quite pricey. Ill have to see if i can save up for something like that.
sadly iv'e yet to find a bike that can handle my weight without the tires bottoming out, i also need to work on my cardio as i am getting quite out of breath easily from any heavy exertion. Ive been to the cardiologist and he said my heart is fine other than possible bicuspid aortic valve so im not sure what is causing it other than being lazy for too long.
What green alternatives can we force short term? We will need to rely on gas peaker plants still. If we build alot of nuclear they sure, but I don't know how feasible wind or solar is for us here in Canada for large replacements for our grid to convert consumers over to full electric.
well, i have a ton of pure ammonia i was using for fish tank setups, now i have another use i forgot about.
this person dotfiles.
no this is not idiocracy.
I was severely bullied for just existing on this planet.
Well, call me stupid, but execution in general is not good.
ah interesting. good to know. thank!
it was all about the eggs.
i just want to be in the 80s/90s with a text terminal using lynx