Favorite novel ever, I'd recommend it to anyone willing to stick with it.
Actual practice is the best answer, as everyone has already said, but to tag in something you can work on outside of real debates -- work on controlling your emotions so they don't interfere with your mind.
She was a Japanese high school student who was kidnapped, raped, tortured, and finally murdered after 40 days by a group of teenage boys who almost all got severely light sentences. The perpetrators were known to have bragged about their crimes and their family members desecrated her grave for ruining their sons' lives.
Ah, gotcha
joined 2 years ago
Top 3, no order (can't pick):
Anytime a SoulsBorne game clicks, especially Sekiro
Winning a really tight match of Rocket League against people at a similar or higher skill level
Playing split screen Freedom Fighters with my buddy back in the day. It got so competitive we started taping cardboard on the screen to prevent screen-peeking