But plugins break every update and gnome tweaks doesn't let you change gnomes gtk theme anymore and from what I heard they added it in Gnome 3 bcs there was alot of drama
same with Cinnamon (Not in Linux Mint)
Happy cake day
Agree,It looks really nice on Laptops
XFCE and Cinnamon its in the Desktop as a experimental option
I kinda hate how they want free speech but when someone they oppose says something that's also considered free speech yep it's blocked.
lol i suck at drawing
bcs github is owned by microsoft its not that private nor open source(like git)
sad its on github but am not complaining much
for that value just get a pc honestly not a locked down freebsd based console
joined 4 months ago
YEAH true I can see plugins being used on something like Debian.
Oh that's why gnome tweaks got read of gtk theming I saw a forum post saying gnome devs don't want customization especially they have this page: https://stopthemingmy.app/