I thought companies made money by selling a product to customers? Hmm, seems like there is some kind of contradiction here, perhaps Phil should look into that.
To be clear here, "Anti-semetic" is the slur, not whatever imagines slight Israeli players accused Ireland of.
Anyone who has been paying attention to Israel in the past 50 years?
But not removed. Have to say B!tch instead....
I mean if Elon offered me the job as CEO of twitter, I would have absolutely taken it knowing full well I was set up to fail. I don't think Linda was ignorant of that fact. Now she may suck in tons of other ways, but I don't really see how her "performance" at the conference reflects on anyone but herself.
Industry propganda around the climate is not "Beautiful." Don't spread bullshit like this.
Tesla's are shit cars though, and it has nothing to do with Musk. They have little to no driver feedback. The UX of their driver control systems are unresponsive and require the driver to take their eyes from the road. The idea of self-driving cars is a pipe dream that solves zero problems and simply aggravates existing individual transport problems.
"Mobile Infantry made me the man I am today."
As was established in 2016, https://observer.com/2017/08/court-admits-dnc-and-debbie-wasserman-schulz-rigged-primaries-against-sanders/
DNC/RNC Primary's are private affairs that have nothing to do with the right to vote. They only exist to support the "legitimacy" of the parties of Capital. If the parties wanted to, they could unilateral choose their candidates with zero outside/public input. In fact they basically do.
Why isn't parking on here?
Oh there is a point. Hint: Who does the US Government pay to maintain/create it's nuclear arsenal?