Are there doctors and scientists recommending people NOT to take it?
There are morons in every field. We can't just look at the outliers.
Are there doctors and scientists recommending people NOT to take it?
There are morons in every field. We can't just look at the outliers.
Oh good, I'm better than the average man in something.
Money may not buy happiness, but it certainly reduces suffering.
Trump isn't exactly the strongest, most charismatic person, either. His speeches are rambling messes, and he has notoriously thin skin.
I'm honestly not sure how that compares to DeSantis, but still.
An island of this size should probably have neither.
When escalation of this magnitude is your solution, you shouldn't be surprised when your clients respond with violence.
Does anyone younger than a boomer even care about hair color? I'm 37 and while pink hair might stand out to me, that's only because of the rules written by those with sticks up their backsides, half a century ago. Ultimately, I don't give a damn.
Eh, it scratches the itch. I don't touch reddit anymore, outside of web searches. Still, I miss the niche communities that only a massive site like reddit can give life.
First off: normies?
Second, you're absolutely right. Steam did a great job with the whole Steam Deck Verified thing. It ensures that the game "just works", which is someone that can't always be said of PC games. It makes sense, given the near uniform hardware of the Deck, of course, but it's still important for reaching the console and/or casual gamer markets.
And let's face it, the Deck is just convenient as hell. It's the mobile gaming solution I've wanted for decades.
Did you just write this? Or is it some copypasta? Because I read that whole wall of text, and I think you've got some good points.
That's a large part of why, with older games, I prefer to use emulators, even if they're available to me in other ways. I love the "save state" option. It's terribly exploitable, of course, but it sure is convenient to be able to save literally anywhere.
It is tacky to leave the sticker on there with the lower price, but you are the one who paid 12£. How does it matter what they paid? If they search for books to resell at a profit, that's time spent, risk taken, and money earned.