I see more Dutch content than German.
Surrender is a legitimate way out.
A government sponsored slavery plan
So why won't he use the AI to discover one?
Emacs users rejoicing!
What if these are primary places where user generated content lives now? Independent blogs are as good as dead, and social networks are walled gardens, sometimes populated by self regurgitating robots.
Russia as a federated state has to fall apart. No way around that.
It should have happened after the second world war, but Stalin managed to flip his colors to look like a reasonable option and persisted in the state. Now the debt comes with accumulated interest.
So elected Obama made fun of Trump. It made him flip and get into the race. That put him in a position to become a president which fucked up the race relations. So yeah, checkmate.
Thanks Obama!
Read any objective book of russian history and you'll see it yourself. There was a reason Ukrainians called USSR the prison of nations.
He'll want every attendee charged with high treason, no less.
But Ukraine can't even get enough AGTMs and shells. God forbid mentioning atacms, almost two fucking years!
I can't believe that Netanjahu is more trustworthy than Zaluzhny.
Happiness is not found. It's not an object, rather a state of perception. The more you'll objectify and discretize happiness, the less likely you're to achieve it.
That being said, usually drugs.
On a serious note, two books helped me to understand this mystery a bit more