Execution is not punishment it is revenge.
How does water make your butt itchy?
Ich habe es jetzt doch selbst gefunden. Das Spiel heißt "Verkehrte Welt!" von Ravensburger Interactive.
I really think it is connected to the fact that many managers never had to think about how long something takes and how much work they actually need out of someone. It used to be, that if you stare at your screen from 9-5 you probably did all the work you could. But now they can't see you stare at the screen and they fear they don't get all the work out of you. For the first time management has to figure out how much work they need instead of going by time spent in the office. That scares them.
It must be because the UK has such a strong bargaining position as a single country. They don't need to write it down. India will do it out of respect for them.
Well someone has to pay for the server, the power, the storage, the network, etc. So if you find something free it will be very limited.
I think most projects pride themselves on not having something like that. It would be hard to create an algorithm that doesn't create the problems that we know of commercial platforms (echo chambers, biases, and the likes). There used to be simpler algorithms on the platforms but then people got stuck in racist or conspiracy stuff. And then they tried to tweak it and then people started to complain that the platforms are biased. You can't win. It maybe harder to curate what to follow on your own but at least there is not some algorithm that influences what you see and what you like and what you think.
The biggest problem is not getting your application to send mail, but to get the mail into the inboxes of people and not spam. That is what you pay the big providers for. Email is broken in that way. I'd advise you to go for a paid service if you want your emails to reliably arrive.
Dann weiß man wenigstens wen man anschreien kann wenn was nicht klappt
But think of all the IT security you can ignore.
Was man mit dem ganz Platz anfangen könnte was aktuell für parkenden Autos verschwendet wird. Vielleicht überlegt sich ja der eine oder andere ob er ein Auto wirklich braucht wenn schon der Stellplatz teuer ist.
Ich würde sagen Zucker bleibt Zucker. Früchte sind auch in großen mengen nicht super gesund.