I don't see how they can recover from that. They will get lawsuits from all around the world.
IPv6 changed some things. First and foremost it has a huge address space:
- IPv4: 4294967296 (2^32)
- IPv6: 340282366920938463463374607431768211456 (2^128)
Then they simplyfied some things:
- Removed Broadcast in favor of Multicast and Anycast
- Added autoconfiguration without a DHCP server
- Better subnetting support
And much more
Yes. If you don't connect it is pretty dumb and shouldn't be able to send your data for harvesting. You sould research if you can set it to one of the outputs permanently then you can use some external device that you trust.
No. But there is Waypipe.
The userbase is not that important with activity pub. If the features are good they can grow slowly and still enjoy the whole fediverse. Of course it is important to have users at all. Otherwise it doesn't make sense to put work on the software.
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I read a proposal for the ActivityPub spec for shared groups. It means that a group can essentially be hosted from two instances together. But AFAIK the proposal is not yet approved and it needs to be implemented in lemmy for it to work. Right now a community is gone if the instance is gone.
Is it possible you have a faulty disk?
Selbst wenn nicht relativ dann sind sie auf jeden Fall absolut ein Problem. Sie sind ein Luxus denn wir uns so nicht mehr leisten sollten.
IPv6 has temporary IPs for privacy reasons. NAT is NOT a firewall. Setting up a real firewall is more secure and gives you more control without things like UPNP and NAT-PMP.