[-] circuscritic@lemmy.ca 68 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

It's also a way to get the state to pay for religious education, but most importantly, to weaken public education.

Charter schools, much lauded by plenty of mainstream Republicans and Democrats, also perform a similar function. But it's not just low income kids they keep out, it's also the difficult kids' with bad home lives, behavioral problems, and special needs. Mind you, public schools legally have to enroll every child, as they should.

But wouldn't you know, Charter Schools have an admissions process, and well, not everyone can make the cut...

This enables upper and middle class enclaves, who wouldn't otherwise spring for a private education, to achieve a somewhat similar results, but with public funds.

[-] circuscritic@lemmy.ca 86 points 3 months ago

It sounds like he was homeless, and felt guilty about what he was doing. So in his mind, he tried to do things that he hoped would make up for the wrongs he was committing.

At least, that's the impression you get from reading the article.

[-] circuscritic@lemmy.ca 70 points 7 months ago

The value of the items was either high enough to meet whatever internal threshold they have for opening an investigation or they were already aware of organized tool theft rings in the area.

That, or they were bored and said "Fuck it, let's do it".

[-] circuscritic@lemmy.ca 68 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Isn't it more racist to act as if being Russian is a singular racial demographic?

Russia is an empire, a decaying one, but still, it's full of a wide variety of different racial groups that aren't Slavic in origin.

Also, when people criticize the actions of the American government, should we all accuse them of being racist towards... Americans?

[-] circuscritic@lemmy.ca 78 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

"Gen-z is choosing to be homeless."

These crazy kids are forgoing the tradition of having a roof over ones head in favor of urban camping. It definitely has nothing to do the kleptocracy that made housing unaffordable by converting it into a speculative market for Wall Street and foreign nationals to park dirty money.

[-] circuscritic@lemmy.ca 77 points 1 year ago

The Pi foundation showed their true colors. Don't continue to support them.

[-] circuscritic@lemmy.ca 78 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

The headline makes it sound like a bad idea i.e. abusing a COVID specific political mechanism to pass non-COVID related spending to "cheat" the system. Those types of bureaucratic maneuvers may start out with noble goals, but eventually their future abuses will outweigh the early benefits.

However, from reading the article, it sounds like it a was pre-existing mechanism that was simply USED recently for COVID, which is fantastic. Both for Ukraine, and for the long-term political viability of the EU's financial aid mechanisms.

[-] circuscritic@lemmy.ca 84 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Thank you for saying this, it's what I was coming here to do.

I was laughing, until I read the article. It's fucking horrifying. Schadenfreude should be proportional.

NFT morons losing their money? Hilarious.

Losing their eyesight? Not funny. Not proportional. Just horrific.

Now, if the Nazi fetishizing scam artist asshats that run Bored Ape were blinded by the light at their own convention? That, in my view, would be proportional Schadenfreude.

[-] circuscritic@lemmy.ca 75 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Easily the most effective assassin in recent history. He had a goal, his plan was to kill former PM, and his goal was... achieved?


Also, Shinzo-Abe was a genocide apologist from a family of war criminals. So, I sincerely mean kudos.

His grandfather was a Class A war criminal.

His dad trained as a kamikaze pilot, but the war ended before he got to compete a mission. Real shame.

Edit: here's some extra bonus points:

  1. He didn't kill anyone else
  2. Unification Church (Moonies) are a really disgusting and terrible organization.
  3. Shinzo-Abe was a real piece of shit. Please lookup just his education "reforms", and that's just the fraction of his bad acts.
[-] circuscritic@lemmy.ca 83 points 1 year ago


Be skeptical. Just like how there is always a teddy bear in the rubble in Gaza, don't take any "smoking gun" evidence at face value, from either side. Period.

[-] circuscritic@lemmy.ca 79 points 1 year ago

The Pi foundation screwed over its original customer base by diverting practically ALL available inventory to business customers. Good riddance.

[-] circuscritic@lemmy.ca 74 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Get bent. You moralizing keyboard pseudo-activitist.

Why aren't you out right now on a picket line? Why are you wasting time on a forum, instead of helping the homeless? Why aren't you...

How far are you willing to take your arbitrary purity tests? Instead of supporting someone who is intending to support an action you clearly also support e.g. cancelling Prime, you're lecturing them why they should have done it sooner. Or why their choice is less moral then yours.

I bet that if Ted Cruz came out tomorrow to be the deciding vote on Medicare For All, and publicly stating his intent to do so, you'd scream about how Dems shouldn't support any bill that has the support of such a scumbag. Because to you, the purity test is more important than the actual result and impact.

And if you're not American, then insert whatever relevant politician and issue would be comparable to your county. The point still stands.

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