The threat resides in the chips’ data memory-dependent prefetcher
Well that sounds extremely familiar. Nice to see the spirit of Spectre is still living on. The holy grail of speculation without any timing attack leaks is still eluding us, I guess.
The threat resides in the chips’ data memory-dependent prefetcher
Well that sounds extremely familiar. Nice to see the spirit of Spectre is still living on. The holy grail of speculation without any timing attack leaks is still eluding us, I guess.
YouTube titles, too :(
The scary thing? Define "new". This judgment is from a lawsuit in 2014. So any car made in at least the last 9 years is doing this. Maybe newer cars are doing even worse things.
Are zip and 7z really that much easier?
tar cf foo.tar.xz wherever/
zip -r wherever/
7z a foo.7z wherever/
I get that tar
needs an f
for no-longer-relevant reasons whereas other tools don't, but I never understood the meme about it beyond that.
Is c
for "create" really that much worse than a
for "add"?
I think it was just a joke about how Apex Legends is a bad game.
Two of the top answers here are missing from that list and, to be frank, that list does not really contain any useful information. For example, where do I see on that list which clients can display images?
I don't think you'd want that website. Whisper is fairly efficient (even an old GTX can do pretty well at 4x-8x real-time speed), but a website like that would still require pretty expensive cloud GPUs. It's really not possible to imagine that a website like that would not be data mining you and selling all your audio to advertisers to pay off investors.
Better to buy a GPU and do it yourself. (Good news: it takes like 30 seconds to install)
I'm sympathetic to a Windows install taking days (I've been there), but you're right that it's not Windows' fault. It's always some 10 year-old hardware with dodgy or no-longer-supported drivers. Maybe you could make an argument that it's partly Windows' fault because they push driver support onto the hardware vendors, rather than use Linux' model of having the kernel developers maintain them.
The only thing that could have made it better would be if they added a "Moderators need to work much more slowly now due to having to use the official reddit app's terrible UI"
The problem isn't losing 99% of your wealth. The problem is losing 101% of your wealth (or more), which is entirely possible.
I agree with your assessment. I have a lot to say about this, and I'm glad to have found this article, as I've been having some serious inner turmoil about this lately, and this makes me feel a bit like I'm not totally alone or crazy. (But also I can't find a link to the original survey, which makes it hard to trust, as I can't find any description of the methodology or the exact wording of the questions)
I'm an older Millenial (sometimes consider Gen X, depending on the terminology used) with young kids. It's true that I would rather have them brought up 30 years ago than today. Sometimes when I see posts about parents letting their young kids (like let's say 10) have their own smartphone and then complain about, people get snarky like "You're the parent. If you don't like it, just take their smartphone away."
But it is a tightrope to walk. I don't want them expose them something like Instagram, which gives them eating disorders, depression, anxiety, chips away at their sense of privacy, etc. But I also don't want them to be "the weird kid" who can't relate to any of their peers. When I was growing up, I remember "the weird kid"s who weren't allowed to watch TV, weren't to play video games, etc. I can recognize that in many ways they probably benefited from not sitting in front of the TV for hours each day, but I can also recognize they probably didn't benefit from not being able to talk to any of the rest of us about the latest episode of Fresh Prince. I do see it as a balancing act between teaching them that there's a lot about their generation that sucks, but also letting them experience enough of it to see for themselves, and relate to the other kids around them.
I recently discovered that he believes it's theft if you watch one of his videos with an adblocker. Just out of spite, sometimes I put one of his videos on in the background (muted) with an adblocker.