Over the centuries humans have folded themselves into power structures that benefit the few at the expense of the many. In the same way that the imperialist subjugates and exploits the third world and the capitalist exploits the worker, the human has positioned itself at the top of an explotative and murderous relationship to nonhuman animals. The beneficiaries of the status quo will emphasise their personal benefits, while refusing to acknowledge even so much as the existence, let alone the moral value, of their victims. When forced to engage with them, the justifications are often times the same - considering the outgroup to be deserving of oppression due to a perceived lack of valuable traits, be it intelligence, the ability to "contribute" to society or emotional "depth". If we let our morality only apply to our chosen ingroup rather than extending it to all sentient life, we will inadvertantly leave intact the same unjust power structures we readily criticise in the rest of society. Working towards a life that doesn't contribute to animal exploitation is not just possible but necessary. Go vegan.

[-] fluffplush@lemmy.world 2 points 1 year ago

Cronometer ist ein ziemlich gutes Werkzeug, um Nährstoffmengen ausrechnen zu lassen. Am Anfang habe ich damit immer Mahlzeiten im Voraus geplant und nach einer Weile hatte ich das weitgehend genug verinnerlicht, dass ich jetzt nurnoch bei neuen Zutaten nachsehe. Die andere Ressource, die mir sehr geholfen hat, ist Nutritionfacts.org auf YouTube. Die konzentrieren sich meistens auf einzelne Zutaten und ihre Effekte auf den Metabolismus.

[-] fluffplush@lemmy.world -1 points 1 year ago

Das Problem am Töten Unschuldiger ist natürlich das Schlachthaus, also spritzt das Blut ab sofort auf der Wiese 👍

[-] fluffplush@lemmy.world -1 points 1 year ago

My most genuine wish would be to see the people caring about mutilation, consent and bodily autonomy to take a look at what we do to non-humans in animal agriculture, apply their convictions consistently and go vegan.

[-] fluffplush@lemmy.world -5 points 1 year ago

Why kill innocent chickens for mouth-pleasure tho


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