[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 62 points 3 weeks ago

I can (and do) cosplay as characters of both genders at times. I say this because I noticed that while we can cosplay as male characters, a guy cosplaying as a female character automatically has connotations of non-binarism for some reason.

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 50 points 3 months ago

Facial recognition technology. Not only is it not as perfect as people claim in identifying people, but some countries are using it to attack the LGBT since it was discovered the LGBT have different variances in facial features. And yet that's not even 100% perfect, so now you have a bad technology for a negative purpose repurposed into another negative purpose that it's causing collateral damage with because it's as awful at that as the first thing.

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 52 points 3 months ago

Harry Potter. People often talk about a "golden age" of JK Rowling, and I think to myself, what golden age? Harry Potter, both the character and the books, are written like a hyperinflated Cinderella, complete with an attempt at discriminatory apologetics that would make CS Lewis say "you okay bro?"

Also, Luke Skywalker. People hate Anakin for being whiny and weak and Rey for being a Mary Sue, but Luke is both and nobody complains.

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 77 points 5 months ago

Socializing. Things to say in a conversation don't come to me naturally like they seem to do with other people. Often people remark it's like talking to a wall because I don't know how to come up with an answer to their open questions on the fly. And without that, they see no foundation to build friendship on.

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 65 points 8 months ago

All I'd need is one. She'd do doppelgänger work and keep me company sentimentally as well as fulfill, ahem, physical needs.

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 66 points 10 months ago

Scientists discovered the source of multiple sclerosis to be the mononucleosis family of viruses.

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 63 points 10 months ago

That you can leave the interrogation room any time you want if you're being questioned for a crime.

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 57 points 11 months ago

I'm a woman and didn't know we all grew breasts until I asked about my own.


I've had a certain debate a few times where you might say we argue over the "semantics" of the meat industry.

I am what you would call a vegetarian. While vegetarians won't eat things that caused harm to produce, a vegan won't eat anything having to do with an animal. A lot of those who would fall under the latter category hate us because they say anything that remotely resembles someone enjoying an animal product is supporting the meat industry which then kills animals, which means merely eating an animal product makes someone a murderer.

Meanwhile, there's this concept many call piracy. It's the idea that, as the meme proverbially puts it, "you can download a car". The idea here, which I say in the way I do because there's still an ongoing debate about it, is that it affects nobody. But then there's the whole industry thing I mentioned. People on the other side of the debate often say "well what about the industry". I'm not sure where on the scale in this topic you might put me, but I feel like there's a glaring contradiction here. When it comes to animals, people think of the industry, but otherwise that's not a factor.

My question is... why?

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 68 points 1 year ago

Red flag: My friend once saw what looked like people setting a RadioShack ablaze and stealing all the expensive electronics and making off with them all.

Green flag context: It was actually a faulty electronic that caused the fire, and the "thieves" were Good Samaritans saving everything from getting burned.


This might sound like a question inspired by current events, but I've actually been thinking of this for a while and can give pointers to a few times I had asked this or talked about it.

The people who the masses look up to seem to have a strange way of dishing out their opinions/approval/disapproval of the groups of the world. Some groups can get away with being considered good no matter how negative their actions are while other groups are stuck with a high disapproval rating no matter how much good they might do, and a discussion on whether "culture" or a "cult" is involved almost always comes up.

An example of this is the relationship between Islam and Scientology, in fact this is the most infamous one I can link to having spoken about. People on a certain side of the thinktank spectrum (the same side Lemmy seems to lean towards at times) are quick to criticize Scientology even though they consider "classic Islamic philosophy", for a lack of a better way to put it without generalizing, as not inspiring a call for critique to see how one may change it. And I've always wondered, why? One at times leads people to trying to exterminate innocent groups, the other one is just "Space Gnosticism" that has a few toxic aspects but hasn't actually eliminated anyone. Of course, I'm not defending either one, but certainly I'd rather live in a stressful environment than one that actively targets me.

This question has been asked a few times, sometimes without me but sometimes when I'm around to be involved, and they always say (and it's in my dumb voice that I quote them) "well Scientology is a cult, of course we can criticize them" and then a bit about how whatever other thing is being talked about is a part of culture. This doesn't sit well with my way of thinking. I was taught to judge people by the content of their character, in other words their virtues, so in my mind, a good X is better than a bad Y, in this case a good cult should be better than a good culture, right? Right?

In fact, as what many might call a mild misanthrope, I'd flip it around and point out how, over the course of human history, alongside seemingly objectively questionable quirks people just brush off (like Japan for a while has been genociding dolphins for their meat value just above extinction "because it's culture" or how there are people in China who still think dinosaur bones are a form of medicine waiting to be ground up), no group/culture has kept their innocence intact, every country having had genocides or unnecessary wars or something of the like, things they ALLOW to happen by design. Then they turn around and tell so-called "cults", even the ones that have their priorities on straight compared to cultures, that they are pariahs and shouldn't count on thriving, even though their status is one that doesn't necessitate gaining any kind of guilt. I was a pariah growing up, almost everyone else revolved around a select few people that seemed in-tune to the culture, and they would say anyone who revolved around people outside the group (me for example) was "following a cult", and this hurt at the time, but now seeing all the wars going on right now, I might consider this a compliment.

My question, even though it by definition might make affirming answerers question whether they are pariahs or a part of the cultural arena, is why does nobody agree? Why are cultures "always precious" while cults are "always suspicious"?


Where I live, there's a law that says all vehicles have to yield for pedestrians at crosswalks. Of course this would be a thing, otherwise crosswalks would only be as good as any part of the road. Despite this, it's a largely unfollowed rule, to severe degrees. To the extent that me and some friends have a "running gag" (generous way to put it) where some of us bet on who can wait at a crosswalk point and cross the street the quickest without going ahead before cars decided to stop. Tonight I had to wait twenty minutes for a black jeep to stop, the longest I've had to wait for years (and side note, I noticed that drivers of certain vehicle types/colors are more likely to stop for you), so I lost that bet tonight if we were doing it.

Some of us have also apparently led drivers to having bad vibes because some of us have used our phones to take extensive video of what's going on, causing angry drivers (never referring to the ones that do stop for us) to yell that we're invading privacy. And the response is always something along the line of "what are you going to do, would you really risk exposing yourself just to make a complaint that someone is making a video" before posting them to groups like the main Tumblr road conflict group (such stuff being hidden from there at the moment).

So what's the longest you've ever had to wait to cross the street? And do you notice any etiquette trends like I describe in that one part?


One might say it just happened to me. You should all try it sometime.


And what makes you say that one?

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 78 points 1 year ago

Same as it does now, just with slightly less effective money.

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 76 points 1 year ago

I'll tell you when I discover it's a lie.

[-] shinigamiookamiryuu@lemm.ee 56 points 1 year ago

The Gunpowder Plot. Guy Fawkes and his friends were about to blow up parliament, and on the week it was supposed to happen, one of his accomplices sent a letter to a noble. In what was probably the worst example of "asking for a friend" in history, it asked "hypothetically, what would happen if someone went into the basement and blew up parliament". The noble did what nobody expected he would do and, get this, responded to the letter. People searched the palace basement and found Guy Fawkes, he was arrested and killed, and we have Guy Fawkes Day. The reason this led to a loss is because the king of England at the time used it as an excuse to persecute Catholics and make the holiday which is used as a taunt.

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