And not just republicans. You can find all stripes of accelerationist crazies doing that on this very website.
Couch fucker and dolphin lover JD Vance sure is creepy and weird.
Furries keep the Internet running. Anger them at your peril.
You should see 52% of the first version of my code.
It doesn’t have to be right to be useful.
Abject misogyny and xenophobia in Japan? I’m shocked. Shocked I tell you.
We need copyright reform. Life of author plus 70 for everything is just nuts.
This is not an AI problem. This is a companies literally owning our culture problem.
We need to be careful extrapolating this to general trends, because the ones doing the intercepting (likely the SBU/Ukrainian intelligence) decide what to release. This is not a random sample.
I have no reason to doubt the intercepts are real, but I do wonder about the content of all the other intercepts that are not released.
It’s just porn. It doesn’t do anything by itself. It’s up to you what role it plays in your life.
I’m not a huge fan of big social media, but if there is one thing I trust even less, it’s a banned person’s account of why they were banned.
That’s Hulk Hogan.
Look at that!
A few nights in French jail worked wonders.