I feel like the very situation you lament is caused precisely because of people with your attitude who basically just roll over and give up on making this country better. I have no sympathy for apathy.
Are you here because you believe in something and actually want to see it happen, or are you here just to stroke your own ego. Ain't nobody got time for that second part. Get real.
Comparing it to a subway is totally unmerited. This system is all the bad parts of a subway combined with all the bad parts of roads, with not an ounce of the benefits. It's truly a stupid thing.
I would support this.
Learning ESPHome has been the most liberating thing. Take back control of your home. Local first. Privacy respecting.
Just a taste of the deepening US oligarchy, as more public services are gutted in the favour of corpo interests.
Oh well. Federation makes this a non issue.
Tobacco company selling cigarettes to kids. More at 11.
Not voting is an act of renouncing your voice and your rights. It's not a protest. It's at best complicity with the status quo, and at worst going to support a candidate that will be far far worse for the issues you are "protesting". You don't get to complain when you don't vote. All you get to do is sit down, shut up, and continue your inaction.
The SCOTUS and other institutions will not save democracy.
This bears repeating. The SCOTUS and other institutions will not save democracy.
Institutions are corruptible. SCOTUS has been corrupted. That is where the US is.
Only citizen action can safeguard democracy.
You say that like it's everyone else's job to do that. So long as you (and by extension everyone else) carry that attitude, nothing is going to change.